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I am getting ready to go on a two week ride alone and wanted to know if anyone is using or have used the GPS unit called SPOT?


My wife would be much happer if she knew where I was. :) If she is happy I am happy


Did it work well? How long does the battries last? Is it easy to set up?




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I never leave home without it!!!!! Ever!!!!


Mine has been near flawless for as long as I have had it, which is over two years.


The batteries last me about 6 months. Key here is use ONLY lithium batteries. Regular alkaline are done in two to three days tops.


Extremely easy to set up.


Here's my review from a couple years back - LINKY



You can click on my link 'Where am I' below to see it in use.

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+1 ... It's mostly just so my family can follow my adventures, but last year I was behind a bike that crashed in the middle of the Ozarks with no cell service. Luckily the rider was fine (ATGATT) and a LEO pulled up within minutes and helped with contacting a tow truck.


Love my SPOT

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Have had mine for almost 18 months. Batteries last hundreds of hours. Placement on bike critical; if the signal is blocked by gear or body, it will not find satellites.


I ride alone a lot and like for family and friends to know where I am. I send an "I'm okay" message each night before shutting down at the hotel to let family know I'm in for the night. Works better than phones for that purpose.

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:thumbsup: Had one for a couple of years and we use it to let folks know where we are....Kathy sometimes takes trips solo and I really appreciate it then.....
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I have tracking and send the track link to friends so they can watch my trip progress and whine about being stuck at the office and not able to go riding.... I mean it's so my wife can keep track in case of a crash. I hit the OK button at the end of the day as well.


It seems with tracking batteries don't last as long so I carry a AA recharger and just replace the batteries every day (it also works for replacing my camera AAs every day).

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Nice n Easy Rider

+5 (?). Not only can the wife follow my trail but it allows her to figure out when I'll be arriving home and thus when to start dinner. Seriously, this is one farkle that earns its keep. :thumbsup:

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Have a SPOT 1.


Wife,family and friends like the tracking function.

I like the ability to send OK messages when out of cell coverage,here in the wide open west.


Batteries still going strong after several long trips,last was two weeks.Unit is a bit over a year old.


SPOT 2 is a more compact unit that uses AAA instead of AA batteries,folks are reporting shorter battery life.

SPOT 2 has a better signal and some function improvements over

version 1.


There are deals on tracking service out there now,if you look around a bit.


All early SPOT 2's were recalled,all those issues are fixed now,but try to get the latest production possible.


Your local REI amongst others,will have SPOT in the store.



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I have the spot 2, wife likes to track me on solo trips.

Youngest daughter didn't like it much when she found I used it to track her after first getting her license. She still searches the car for "bugs". ;)

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I have a spot 1. I use the tracking mode so my wife can verify I'm not spending time in the cat houses of Nevada :)

The system works very well. I have replaced the (lithium) batteries twice in two years of ownership. Once before the 2009 Unrally which was a cross country and back run. No problems with the battteries for the entire trip (3 weeks of almost full daily use) with plenty of more life after the event.

I used Ham Radio APRS prior to the Spot, but, as with cellular based systems, there are wide areas particularly in the west where there may be no coverage. Spot with the satellite coverage eliminates this issue.

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Paul In Australia

I have a Spot version 1. and I am very happy with it. Spent a lot of time in Central Australia as a single rider and phone cell coverage is very poor , so a bit of a lifesaver is the old spot. Always use it when I leave suburbia. Just a good investment in safety IMO.


Very happy with the product.



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I have owned both Spot Tracker (version 1) and now Spot Messenger (version 2)... really like the ability to be tracked and to send pre-planned messages.


Version 2 is far easier to operate... since I found the version 1 to be a little "obscure".


While I like the whole Spot thing... I am pissed at the company for being so slow to send the rebate for my upgrade to version 2. It took them 3 months to send it, and they blamed the fulfillment company for it... I call B. S.... they get the service they pay for and asking me to wait 3 months is crazy.


Then the $25 rebate was/is in the form of a pre-paid debit card from Citi bank. Now Citi thinks I am a customer and they send me all sorts of offers and ads... too bad the damn card does not work--- I think I will tell Citi to forgetabboutit once I get the money.



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Quite a few people having issues related to customer service on the REI site. Seems if the device works for you, all is well, but if you want to cancel the service or need service, the responses seem to be out of the AOL mold.


Just reporting. Was considering buying one for my 4-wheeling' son. Now not so sure.

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I now own a Spot 2. The manul sucks, but I slowly figuring it out but I haven't figured out what the share page is for!

Can your people you send messages to not see your trail if they are not on the share page? If that is true how

does the share page link them up since the page

doesn't ask for an email address.


And then I don't understand what the adventure page is all about.


Rockbottem: thanks for the link. That is just what i want it to do.


Thanks everyone for your help



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The people you send your message to will get a map page with your location on it, just one point.

The shared page is for tracking. You send them a link to your tracking page that has a map showing your position every 10 minutes.

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Took mine on the ride from Arkansas to the national in Oregon and back.

I hit "O.K." every time I changed roads.

I travel 2-lanes as much as possible and the wife could track me and advise me of weather ahead or possible alternate routes.

Worked flawlessly.

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I bought a Spot 2 a few weeks ago. They had a free tracker promotion ($49 value) with the purchase of the damage and lost package (around $17).


I just came off a 7 day white water river trip on the Salmon river in Idaho. The river cuts through a very deep canyon and the Spot worked great. I sent an " I'm Ok message every night to my wife which was comforting to her since there are no phones or cell phone coverage for the entire trip.


I am very impressed so far.

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