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Uproaching 50,slowing down on a R12RT


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Just traded my K12R rocket in for somethin I can do some real miles on. Got a 2005 R1200RT with 40k mls. Came with BMW topbox and CE Bailey full leather seat. Only thing I'm lacking is tunes,but I'll fix that soon enough. Got a M/C Repair shop in Melbourne,FL if anyone needs anything. Can't wait to do some long miles. That KR damn near killed me on 1000ml runs. Be safe all!!!! Ken

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Hope you can make it to one of the events, or Florida get togethers

like Cedar Key.



Slow down, yes.

have you ever ridden a K R ?

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Slow down? I'm 56 and got my HD up to 90 today to issue an award.
90??? My K1200R was just comin outta first gear around 90. Gotta watch those big V-twins,they start pukin if you spin'm up there for too long. I know,I used to work for the "evil empire".
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Hope you can make it to one of the events, or Florida get togethers

like Cedar Key.



Slow down, yes.

have you ever ridden a K R ?

Just traded my K1200R after 2yrs of faithful service.Man what a ride!!!! Takes some gettin used to not have'n that extra 60HP. I'll have to keep my ears and eyes open for the events your talking about. Thanks
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Uproaching? Is that a real word?


If Ken wants it to be a word, it's a word. We're all about inclusion.


Welcome, Ken. Soon you'll be as delusional about the RT's speediness as the rest of us. :grin:

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Uproaching? Is that a real word?


If Ken wants it to be a word, it's a word. We're all about inclusion.


Welcome, Ken. Soon you'll be as delusional about the RT's speediness as the rest of us. :grin:


Wow! Chill out a bit. No need to get upset.

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Hi Ken,




Cedar Key is usually in the winter, watch the Ride and Event Planning section. Coming up sooner is the BRR, which is a semi-annual eastern event in the Blue Ridge/Smokies region. If you really feel like trying out that new tourer, there is always Torrey, our western semi-annual event. You would not be sorry. :)


You can also always check the calendar. Although it is pretty sparse right now.



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Ken, I think I know about what you are going through. I just put a deposit on a '07 R1200RT. It's a replacement for an old XS1100 Yamaha. No, they are NOT as fast as the new bikes, but they DO run! I'm just looking forward to commuting on something I don't have to fuel up every day!

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Thats about it on the HD isn't it? So, that begs the question, did you actually catch the guy on the KLR ;) ?


Now thats funny!!!!!

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Ken, I think I know about what you are going through. I just put a deposit on a '07 R1200RT. It's a replacement for an old XS1100 Yamaha. No, they are NOT as fast as the new bikes, but they DO run! I'm just looking forward to commuting on something I don't have to fuel up every day!
Sho is comfy. It'll take some time,but I'll learn to live without all the HP. Owning a motorcycle repair shop I get all kinds to ride so I'm sure my fix will come in the door as I need it. Congrats on the '07 RT . Like ridin on a pillow!!!!!
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Welcome to the board..... heck, did anyone say 90? That's no achievement in Florida with all the straight and empty roads..... try 30 where we are and you're dead meat :rofl:


Slowing down towards 50? Why ? ;)

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I own an RT rather than a big hp bike because I ride these roads every day.



Not like the roads in Florida like you have :grin:




The difference being we have to travel further to get anywhere down here. I lived around those roads too,but after riding there wasn't sh!t to do.Hence the Florida move. Much prefer the weather down here to anywhere else. Ken

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It's in MY vocabulary. I've lost 50% of my hearing over the years, so I often spell words like they sound. :rofl:

That's acceptable in email and forum posts. (I think)

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It's in MY vocabulary. I've lost 50% of my hearing over the years, so I often spell words like they sound. :rofl:

That's acceptable in email and forum posts. (I think)


It shoor iz.



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Slow down? I'm 56 and got my HD up to 90 today to issue an award.

Musta been goin' downhill. doh!


Welcome Ken!!

Thanks for the welcome!!!!! The downhill thing is toooo funny.
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K12R, R12RT, whatever.


I'm more interested in the Retriever in your avatar. :D


Ah thats my buddy Jake. He's 2 1/2. I love that animal more than most humans. First Golden I've ever owned and won't own any other breed again. Looking to get him a pal and name him Elwood in a yr or two. Then we'll have the "Blues Brothers". Taught me unconditional love.

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K12R, R12RT, whatever.


I'm more interested in the Retriever in your avatar. :D


Ah thats my buddy Jake. He's 2 1/2. I love that animal more than most humans. First Golden I've ever owned and won't own any other breed again. Looking to get him a pal and name him Elwood in a yr or two. Then we'll have the "Blues Brothers". Taught me unconditional love.


Best dogs ever. We now have our second.

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Slow down? I'm 56 and got my HD up to 90 today to issue an award.

Musta been goin' downhill. doh!


Welcome Ken!!

Thanks for the welcome!!!!! The downhill thing is toooo funny.


Kent, You look like an intelligent guy. Don't mess it up. Learn to spell. Sorry, It's a thing with me. Don't call me out guys, I hate it when intelligent people can't spell. Flame away!!!!

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Welcome Kent.


05 RT nice ride.


And, oh, Uncle Beemer, don't be Uncle Bummer... :grin:


DidJa get the man's drift? I sho nuff did..



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Slow down? I'm 56 and got my HD up to 90 today to issue an award.

Musta been goin' downhill. doh!


Welcome Ken!!

Thanks for the welcome!!!!! The downhill thing is toooo funny.


Kent, You look like an intelligent guy. Don't mess it up. Learn to spell. Sorry, It's a thing with me. Don't call me out guys, I hate it when intelligent people can't spell. Flame away!!!!

WTF R you talkin bout ? This aint english 101. I got outta school a long time ago. Just because I choose to shortcut some words doesn't mean the spellin police should come a runnin. Relax man and enjoy life. Geeeezzzz

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Slow down? I'm 56 and got my HD up to 90 today to issue an award.

Musta been goin' downhill. doh!


Welcome Ken!!

Thanks for the welcome!!!!! The downhill thing is toooo funny.


Kent, You look like an intelligent guy. Don't mess it up. Learn to spell. Sorry, It's a thing with me. Don't call me out guys, I hate it when intelligent people can't spell. Flame away!!!!

WTF R you talkin bout ? This aint english 101. I got outta school a long time ago. Just because I choose to shortcut some words doesn't mean the spellin police should come a runnin. Relax man and enjoy life. Geeeezzzz


Kentman, I enjoy life quite well thank you, I ride a bike, what you talkin' bout. Just spell things rite. Just sayin'. Life is good!

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This issue of proper spelling is, I think, the new way some people will pre-judge others prior to getting to know them. Just like we tend to judge others based upon the way they speak, their accents, their proper use of grammar, their use of ethnic terms (ebonics, etc), so now we judge them by whether they take the time to exercise proper grammar and spelling in their online communications.


I see this issue cropping up all the time on forums such as Facebook. We all need to be aware of the fact that whether we like it or not, whether we are even aware of it or not, we are being judged as either simple or intelligent based upon the quality of our online communications skills.


Now, having said that, we'd all be wise to recognize it for what it is: a cultural norm for evaluating someone's intelligence that has little to no bearing on reality. Therefore, judge in this manner at your own risk. Good for you that you were able to pre-judge someone's intelligence based upon their spelling or their grammar, but not only are such judgment’s highly flawed, but they may also cost you what could otherwise be a dear friend. And to me, that's a very high price to pay for being judgmental of others solely based upon their online communication skills.


(OK, let me not forget to spell check this post :dopeslap:)

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This issue of proper spelling is, I think, the new way some people will pre-judge others prior to getting to know them. Just like we tend to judge others based upon the way they speak, their accents, their proper use of grammar, their use of ethnic terms (ebonics, etc), so now we judge them by whether they take the time to exercise proper grammar and spelling in their online communications.


I see this issue cropping up all the time on forums such as Facebook. We all need to be aware of the fact that whether we like it or not, whether we are even aware of it or not, we are being judged as either simple or intelligent based upon the quality of our online communications skills.


Now, having said that, we'd all be wise to recognize it for what it is: a cultural norm for evaluating someone's intelligence that has little to no bearing on reality. Therefore, judge in this manner at your own risk. Good for you that you were able to pre-judge someone's intelligence based upon their spelling or their grammar, but not only are such judgment’s highly flawed, but they may also cost you what could otherwise be a dear friend. And to me, that's a very high price to pay for being judgmental of others solely based upon their online communication skills.


(OK, let me not forget to spell check this post :dopeslap:)

WOW !!!! I couldn't have said it better myself. Its just a way of computer talking for me. It in no way describes my intellect or capability. Thanks for saying what I felt about the whole thing. I learned that when I have one finger pointed at another person there are 4 more pointed back at me. Obviously some people have nothing better to do,or is it that they think they're above the rest. Hmm ,ANYWHO---I appreciate all the warm welcomes and ride safe all!!!!!!!!!!


By the way,my name is "KEN" not KENT(to all who missed that).

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Jeeez is spelled with a J. Short for Jesus. Grammer and etomology in one lesson. :wave:


Good for you,you passed. That was a test question. I use it the way I use it cause I want to use it that way.GEEEEEZZZZZZ!!!!!!!




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This issue of proper spelling is, I think, the new way some people will pre-judge others prior to getting to know them. Just like we tend to judge others based upon the way they speak, their accents, their proper use of grammar, their use of ethnic terms (ebonics, etc), so now we judge them by whether they take the time to exercise proper grammar and spelling in their online communications.


I see this issue cropping up all the time on forums such as Facebook. We all need to be aware of the fact that whether we like it or not, whether we are even aware of it or not, we are being judged as either simple or intelligent based upon the quality of our online communications skills.


Now, having said that, we'd all be wise to recognize it for what it is: a cultural norm for evaluating someone's intelligence that has little to no bearing on reality. Therefore, judge in this manner at your own risk. Good for you that you were able to pre-judge someone's intelligence based upon their spelling or their grammar, but not only are such judgment’s highly flawed, but they may also cost you what could otherwise be a dear friend. And to me, that's a very high price to pay for being judgmental of others solely based upon their online communication skills.


(OK, let me not forget to spell check this post :dopeslap:)


Bad on you because I didn't assume he wasn't intelligent. If you will go back re-read my last post you'll see that I correctly assumed that he was and is an intelligent person. Too bad you didn't give me the same consideration. Let's apply the same logic to math. How many times have you gone to a restaurant or store and the person running the register can't figure your bill without a calculator? Like I said it's a pet peeve of mine that's all.

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Jeeez is spelled with a J. Short for Jesus. Grammer and etomology in one lesson. :wave:


Good for you,you passed. That was a test question. I use it the way I use it cause I want to use it that way.GEEEEEZZZZZZ!!!!!!!





Ken, Sorry about calling you Kent. There is no short for Jesus. Geez is short for geewhiz. By the way you didn't short cut approaching..you misspelled it.

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Bad on you because I didn't assume he wasn't intelligent. If you will go back re-read my last post you'll see that I correctly assumed that he was and is an intelligent person. Too bad you didn't give me the same consideration...


My post was not aimed at you, specifically, it is aimed at all of us; all of us judge others on the basis of external evidences such as speech patterns, and the proper usage of grammar. This phenomenon carries over to the Internet, and I just wanted to point this out to us all to raise our collective awareness that we are all being so judged, and the potential costs of such judgements, that's all.


I make no reference to you in my post because I was not specifically addressing you. I was addressing all of us.

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Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe. ceehiro.



Good spelling is a female gender characteristic?

One person's POV


Eye offfun Mspell wurds wen postting hear bcuz i kan


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Jeeez is spelled with a J. Short for Jesus. Grammer and etomology in one lesson. :wave:


Good for you,you passed. That was a test question. I use it the way I use it cause I want to use it that way.GEEEEEZZZZZZ!!!!!!!





Ken, Sorry about calling you Kent. There is no short for Jesus. Geez is short for geewhiz. By the way you didn't short cut approaching..you misspelled it.

GEEEZZZ!!!!!! You got me again. What am I ever gonna do ?? I feel so inadequate. I think I'll cry now(sorrow,sorrow).

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Jeeez is spelled with a J. Short for Jesus. Grammer and etomology in one lesson. :wave:


Good for you,you passed. That was a test question. I use it the way I use it cause I want to use it that way.GEEEEEZZZZZZ!!!!!!!





Ken, Sorry about calling you Kent. There is no short for Jesus. Geez is short for geewhiz. By the way you didn't short cut approaching..you misspelled it.

GEEEZZZ!!!!!! You got me again. What am I ever gonna do ?? I feel so inadequate. I think I'll cry now(sorrow,sorrow).

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