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Project Gutenberg


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Not sure if this has been mentioned in here but I spent some time yesterday afternoon downloading some amazing free books from the Project Gutenberg site to read on my IPAD. You don't need an EREADER Device as there are PDF versions that can be read on any computer. For someone like me that always is looking for more things to learn about, this is really a cool glimpse into the past.




Some really great Historical works as well as Classic Fiction that is no longer copyrighted. Many works are no longer easily found in print.


Some of the books I got yesterday:


Relativity (Albert Einstein)

Flying for France (James Roger McConnell) About the American Escadrille squadron

The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci

Chancellorsville and Gettysburg (Abner Doubleday)


Worthy reading if you are willing to snoop around a little. Easiest way for me to get them to my Ipad was to browse for them on line and then do a search for the title in IBOOKS. Sure that Kindle has a similar process.





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