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Replacing the rear shock......


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Am thinking of changing out my rear RT shock for another OEM shock from a GT or the LT with way lower miles. I can get the GT shock to fit if I rotate the banjo fitting about 45 degrees....can it be rotated and still be adjustable??

Don't recall seeing anything like this on the board before.



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Hey Pat...with all do respect and you know we luv ya man...but why would you want to do this?


Obviously it's a dollar and cents issue about installing new aftermarket...am I right?


You can get your stock (echh) Showa shocks rebuilt by sending them out to Lindeman Engineering (408) 371-6151

Or someone on the board...(maybe me) may have a set in the box with less than 500mi. willing to part with them.

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Yeah....well....I have both of these shocks for free...the GT with less than 5000 miles, and the LT's with less than 10. Just can't afford a grand for the Ohlins....would rather spend it on tires and gas. Have ridden the factory shocks at the the HI/Stiff end of their settings for well over 100,000 miles and really want the bigger springs from the GT and/or the LT.



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Hey Pat. Would you have to rotate the banjo fitting or could you mount the reservior in a different spot?


And are you talking about rotating the fitting around it's own axis (tightening or loosening the fitting)?

You could loosen the fitting, rotate the banjo bolt to the orientation you need and retighten the bolt. Don't take it off, and you shouldn't introduce air to the system.


And when you figure this out, let me know how it worked!

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