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Highway Pegs ??


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Haven't seen any and would be interested in some for a mid-tank stretch. The only highway pegs I have are the pillion pegs - hook the heels and stretch over the tank. Not quite what you're looking for, I know.

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If there were some out there, I would be on a KGT right now. It's the reason I no longer own one of my favorite bikes, the K11RS either.


That said, it COULD be possible to add pegs, but it WOULD require drilling the body work. The forward mounting position of the motor/frame will allow for an extended bar through the bodywork to which a peg of some sort COULD be attached. I have reviewed this, but no carefully. There are some hard mounting locations under the b-work, but all would require drilling.



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Dave McReynolds

I asked about this several years ago, when I first bought the GT, and received several raspberries in reply. I guess it's considered heresy to even have the thought by some. But when you think about it, if you're using the stock bars, you're in a forward lean and highway pegs would probably be uncomfortable anyway. What I do instead is to stand up on the pegs and take a stretch that way, and sometimes I pivot my butt around on the seat so the leg I want to stretch is pointed sort of out to the side and I can straighten it out. Of course, neither of these manuvers is recommended if you're in the twisties, but then you probably wouldn't use highway pegs in the twisties either.

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