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Holiday Dinner in NYC with the RT.com gang (pictures)


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David Baker (Recourses) came to NYC on some business, and floated the idea of getting a bunch of folks together for a Christmas Party on the East Coast. So Saturday night we assembled a motley crew of RT riders and their wives and friends and relatives in a loud and busy eatery on 18th Street called America, whose menu boasts dishes from all over the country. We've had snow and cold temperatures here, so mjames was the only one who rode his bike laugh.gif


(I'm hoping that recourses' group photos came out better than mine, I tried being clever and not using a flash for part of the night)


Clockwise around the table from left: Recourses (David Baker), PeterScottNJ, Brian Peterson & his wife Joan, mjames, Maggie & Jim McMains (BMWGreenRT), venturevoodoo (David Mandell).




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Maggie strikes a pose while husband Jim discusses linked power windows with mjames (venturevoodoo in background)




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mjames (right), his brother (left) flew into town from AZ just to meet all the wonderful RT riders. (ok, probably not, but we were glad he could join us)





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After dinner, we all went out to check out mjames 'busa, illegally parked on the sidewalk laugh.gif


Francis is first to test the ergos ...





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L-R Recourses, ChrisNYC, mjames in the back, Jim (BMWGreenRT), PeterScottNJ in back, Dave Mandell (venturevoodoo), Brian Peterson, mjames' brother (the name slips me ... a little help??)





Later, we were joined by SCOTTinNJ and his friend (whose name I can't spell but she rides the Ducati naughty.gif ), and the conversation covered race cars, Gold Bond Powder, and even motorcycles! Brian and Jim kept it very lively as usual laugh.gif . Can't wait to ride with all you folks once the snow melts ...


Thanks David baker for getting us together, and thanks everyone for a great evening.


(final edits - mjames, what's your brother's name? ScottinNJ - how do you spell your friend's name? )



Chris (aka Tender Vittles),

Little '77 KZ400 in the Big Apple

Black '99 RT for Everywhere Else, such as...color=green>



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mjames' brother (the name slips me ... a little help??)


Chris, that would be "rjames" aka Richard.smile.gif


Great photos once again, and thanks for making the reservations. Always nice to meet the meet the gang, this time putting some faces and smiles on those I've only known online.

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"...whose menu boasts dishes from all over the counry..."


...Like pie? Didn't see no pie on the table, or any BBQ for that matter. laugh.gif


Thanks for the pics; Looks cooold there.

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Well, that was sure fun, guys and girls! Thanks for coming out. I'd met some of you at Mayhem, and was (generally smile.gif) nice to put some names with faces for the rest of you.


For those of you not there, we met at a restaurant near Union Square at 6:30p. Had a decent dinner. Then went to my hotel and rolled our eyes for several hours and we repeated everything we said for Jim (Brian's "Dad," a little old and a little daft).


Chris gave you all the names, before, so I just give you two more group pictures:






Not sure who this is, but this guy was begging on the street. The funny thing is that he wasn't begging for food, booze, or money--instead he just kept muttering "give me some Gold Bond" without even looking you in the eyes.


None of us cared, but the women in the group got all over us for being heartless, so we brought him to the room (he's still not cleaned up in this picture) and gave him some Gold Bond. I never would have guessed that he could smile that big!




Then we got on the phone and did a conference call to the west coast crew at ShortCuts. Poor Jamie (KMG 365) unwittingly answered the phone, so he got the abuse first.


Thanks again, folks! It was really nice to see/meet you.



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Thanks for the report, Vitt. Looks like a great group. Say, don't tell me that Jim has BOTH a Boston Green RT AND that lovely lady hanging on his arm!


Actually, Chris, the pictures have a very nice quality to them without flash. Sure, there's some movement. But it adds to the sense of real people, conversation and activity. They're better than those frozen group red-eye shots we all get. Nice work. Especially interesting effect on the outdoor shot surrounding the 'Busa.


Glad to finally put some faces to the names.

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Sorry I didn't post sooner, I've been trying to digest that NY black & White / Roundel cookie all night! wink.gif


Great time last night. It's always a blast sharing stories and perspectives over food and drink...even if we did have to keep repeating ourselves for Jim: "Helmet Law, Jim...Helmet Law!!!" laugh.giflaugh.gif


Also, thanks to the security at the W hotel for forcing Jim to take off his Easy Leeker before he came in the room. "whew"


DCB was a great host and it was fun chasing all the oogling teens away from the 'busa' outside the restaurant, "Hey man, is that a Ducati? I don't know but the speedo goes up to 180!!!!"


I would have stayed longer, but I heard Marty left Shortcut's and was on his way over... wink.giflaugh.gif


Cheers and Happy Holidays.

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Great time meeting and greeting everybody, (I said "GREAT TIME" Jim) wink.gif


Thanks to David for opening up his hotel room to such a awnry bunch. I think for a minute there he almost told us he was in another room!


Anyway, had a wonderful time, Joan even commented on what a great group the BMW, and Ducati smile.gif , riders are.


Happy Holidays all - See you in the Spring



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It was great meeting you all. After so many months of getting to know one another through the forum, I can honestly say, meeting y'all in person was much better.


Look forward to meeting the people we talked about, and who weren't there to defend themselves, at Mayhem smile.gif

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Joan even commented on what a great group the BMW, and Ducati , riders are.




Want to thank your lovely wife Joan again for being so thoughtful in keeping my brother's meal warm while he was on his way and stuck in traffic. Assuming she mistook my Busa for a Ducati, I'll accept it as a compliment as Ducatis are a nice ride, if a bit on the slow side. smile.gif

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Hey, was somebody just talking to me??? wink.gif

Could you guys please type everything twice...it just isn't the same without hearing or reading something twice.



Maggie and I had a great time last night and we want to thank you again for sharing your other hobby with us.

It will be finding a place on one of our walls.

We hope you had a safe trip back home smile.gif.


I am glad you went along with us in helping with "Brian's" therapy. The hearing problem he has (just ask Joan), gives him a tendency of talking "loud", so we all just let Brian think that I cannot hear too good as a way to cover up for "His problem". laugh.gif

That is just the kind of things you gotta do for friends smile.gif


I understand that Venturevoodoo was the one who claimed my EZ Leaker, <AND> EZ Gasser from the doorman before I got down there when leaving the "W". He beat me down on the elevator. All you had to do was ask and I would have loaned it to you.

I know you had a long ride home laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

And we are all Sorry if we got you in trouble with your phone call wink.giflaugh.gif (BTW you can keep the EZ's )


Brian was not too happy that you took my EZ Gasser though...cause after that great Rice and Beans meal at America's, I sure could have used it while Brian was giving us a ride back to the ferry in his nice new (but now SMELLY) truck laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

Thanks Venturevoodoo, it was a great way to pay him back.


Peter, and MJames (and brother)...great finally meeting you guys. Hope you had as much fun as we did.


Francis, Chris, Scott (and that beautiful ducati rider wink.gif ), it was great seeing you again.


Those Roundel cookies were a nice touch Chris, but you may need Scott to defend you if the R-Police come a sniffin wink.gif


You all are a great bunch of people and I am glad to call you Friends...even you "son" laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

(Hey if Brian wants me as a role model, who am I to complain wink.gif )


Happy Holidays everyone

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Great time guys and gals. Thanks for the invite David. Yoonyi (that's how it's spelled) and I had a blast.


Hopefully we'll catch up with you all again at May-hem, if not sooner.

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I didn't know the 'Busa had a KICKSTART!!!





Sorry I missed the gathering, guys. I had my neighborhood Christmas party that night.


Sounds like you all had a great time.



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Sorry, but I just don't buy it. Recourses must have hired some actors, 'cause you folks are WAY too handsome to be hardened mileage munchers!


It's always fun to put faces on the names. Glad to see that you all had a great time.


Happy Holidays, all.

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"and how did Jim McMains and Brian Peterson score such great looking women?! "


They're actually paid nurses from the home, they just dress up when they go out in public so Brian and Jim aren't embarrased... wink.gif

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Fernando Belair said Actually, Chris, the pictures have a very nice quality to them without flash.


Thanks Fernando. (I think Maggie took the shot of mjames & his brother). But as you can imagine, the number of unusable & blurred shots was quite high frown.gif I used my Olympus 3040Z in auto -mode mostly, I might have gotten slightly better with a bit of manual tweaking. But these RT.com folks move too fast for that kind of fiddlin' ... laugh.gif


Ron B said ... ''cause you folks are WAY too handsome to be hardened mileage munchers!


And that's just the women! eg, Joan has logged miles as Brian's passenger, Maggie has logged LOTTA miles as Jim's passenger, and Yoonyi has her own Ducati now xyxthumbs.gif The more, the merrier, I say ...



Again, great evening everyone. Waiting for Mayhem will be a test of patience ...



Chris (aka Tender Vittles),

Little '77 KZ400 in the Big Apple

Black '99 RT for Everywhere Else, such as...color=green>


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Thanks!! I don't know how I did it either! smile.gifsmile.gif


Truth be told though, Jim told a little white lie at dinner.... Maggie is actually his granddaughter laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


(just kidding Jim!)



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