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R1200RT Cee Bailey's windshield sizing question

Scot Earl

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The stock shield on the 12RT is decent, but I think the new shield from Cee Bailey might prove to be a little quieter. I had good results with the Euro #2 (+3 1/2) I had on my recently traded 1150RT. My question is, how do you decide what size to get? Looks like there is a little more flexibility than before.


FWIW, the stock shield is way loud for me fully retracted, but starts quieting down with just a little height. Even at full extension, though, I never get the still pocket of air that I was able to get on the 1150 with the Euro #2. I'm 5'10".


Any suggestions as to what the sizing criteria are?

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FWIW, I'm 6'0" tall w/ 34 inch inseam. My CB is two inches higher than stock.

I almost never have it all the way up for two reasons. First the reverse flip on the CB does a much better job of directing air over my head than the stock shield did. Second, when it's all the way up I have to look through the top.

If I ever have to order another one, I'll get one only one inch higher than stock - it would work very well and give me a little more air flow on hot days when it's all the way down. (Also, I keep my seat in the high position.) At 5'10", I'd guess a CB at the stock height would work great for you, but YMMV, etc. At the least, it would be better than the stock shield.

As for width, that's a whole other thang - lots of personal preference there.

Good luck - the CB is worth the $, IMHO.

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I am very intrested in this topic as well. Never having a wind screen that worked the 1200 RT is good, but I do know of the fabled "pocket" that could be there, and I want it too! I too don't like looking through it. I am 6 ft... 33 inseam.. Also can anyone talk about the pros and cons to the width issue???


Thanks cool.gif

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On the width, I ordered mine only 3" wider than stock (1.5 each side) on the theory that I didn't want to cut too much airflow around the sides of the windshield for hot weather riding. That wouldn't be that much of an issue around your neck of the woods, I'd guess, and in any event the airflow around the sides of the shield isn't that great for cooling anyway. An RT in the summer around here is just plain hot to ride. So it might be worth going wider. If I remember correctly, Geraldh told me (maybe he'll chime in) that someone at CB recommended that he get his shield 6 inches wider (3/side). That was probably a good idea.

Now that I think about it, if I was going to do it again, I think I'd get one 1 inch higher than stock, and six inches wider. Then in late July and August, when NY and PA is a giant steam room, I'd put the stock shield back on in an attempt to fool mother nature. So what if it's not nice? Look what the b**ch did to New Orleans! eek.gif

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I have posted my findings before, and will again. I hope it my help. I also had a plus three and one half on a 04RT. It worked great.

So with the 05RT I bought a plus 3 plus 2 while in Lima. Bad choice. I am five ten and one half/32 inch. The 04 stock shield is about 14 inches. The 05 is 17. The large

Cee Bailey was way too much shield. HoooOOOooT. Fuel nilage fell far below my 04RT,like 42MPG. I exchanged it for a one over-one wider euro cut. Bingo,nice still pocket when raised maybe one inch. Fuel milage is aroung 48 to 50 at 73 mph. Leon (do it)

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I've got the 2" taller and 5" wider version on my 12RT. They recommended I go 6" wider but opted for 1" less because when I looked at the pix online the 6" wide version looked huge. SWMBO loves it! I find when it gets a bit hot here I just lower the screen or wear my mesh jacket.


The only problem I had was that it didn't quite fit properly so had to file some of the holes a bit to make the screen fit flush.


Well worth it !!!!

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And here's 2 more centavos worth on the fact that size, at least in windshields, does matter.

Rode a couple of hundred miles today, and noticed that if I sit bolt upright, I can still see over the top of the plus 2 inch CB shield when it's all the way up. Also, raised all the way, there is a very slight additional reduction in wind noise from when it's an inch or two down from its highest adjustment point.

So I guess riding posture would have something to do with what size works, as well as the rider's length from seat to top of helmet.


My bike was still breaking in when I got the CB, so I didn't track the difference in gas mileage after I put it on, but it does make sense that a considerably larger shield would cause a at least a slight drop in mpg.


Now if someone will just make a windshield that repels bugs!

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I am 5'10" and I went to a 1" higher and 2" wider CB. It is quieter but I almost always keep it all the way down or maybe just a hair up. I will go back to the stock shield I think for next summer as it is pretty warm with the CB.

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I am 5'10" also & have used the Sum Vee all summer. It's been awesome, but now that the temps are getting into the 60's, it's time to go back to the stock. I'm considering a Cee Bailey to replace it for the rest of the year, but not sure what size. I need more experience the the stock shield, but am reading with interest all the comments to date.

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Thanks for the responses. BTW, I sent an email query to Cee Bailey and got nada. Anybody have similar experience?


Also, I had planned to get clear. What's the consensus on the tinted versions? FWIW, I've got graphite with silver lowers and think the grey shield might look pretty good. Aside from aesthetics, is the issue whether or not you do much touring at night? Any guidance is appreciated in advance.

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I emailed Cee Bailey with a question about size of W/S with my height and inseam. I got a response from Tom in a couple of hours. I called him direct and he gave me an extra 10% discount. Needless to say, my W/S is on the way to me. A great company and a pleasure to deal with.

Call and ask for Tom, a great guy.

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I've delt with Chris at CB. They have been very great to work with. They actaully are willing to help me create a more custom shield for my needs should I desire to really get that ST. smile.gif

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I did have a similar experience. Normally they say 24-28hr's. So after 48 I ended up calling and got immediate help. I don't really trust email as a via way to communicate anyway. God knows where that e-mail could have ended up :P So I didn't really think much of it. smile.gif

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