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How is your perception?

Mister Tee

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It was easier the third time!

They always want you to ride in the middle lane, but where I live that's where the slime is. I kinda like traction under my tires.

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It was easier the third time!

They always want you to ride in the middle lane, but where I live that's where the slime is. I kinda like traction under my tires.


The importance in training. The more you do something the more it becomes natural and easy.

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They're coming to pick up my driver's license on Monday. Apparently, downshift two gears, gun it, and get the heck out of there is not the best answer. Neither was "let him hit you and then sue."



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Anyone else notice that, in the sign test, there was a sign with an adult and child walking where the correct answer was "pedestrians" (school zone was incorrect), whereas in the road test they showed the same sign and said it meant "school zone". :grin:

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Missed one on each test, however I still disagree with the lane position question/answer MSF preaches. Even thought I knew they wanted me in the middle of the lane (and answered it that way) I would actually be on the right....less danger from the biker and no middle of the lane oil slick....


Was the only question I missed on the CA MC written test (until I got it changed).....

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