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Final Event (Dinner) Timing


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I have received several requests either in the UN-IX forum or PM to effectively move the Dinner from Thursday to Wednesday. This will allow for early departures to the BMWMOA rally as well as those who just need to cross the country to get home.


Does anyone have any issue with doing this (Moving dinner to Wednesday night?)


Please, your thoughts!


Leslie, I would specifically like to get your opinion too!

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I plan to eat something for dinner on Wednesday AND Thursday. Where I do it, is irrelevant to me.


The next request will be for a reduced rate as they are leaving early. Uhhh, no.

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I don't have an issue with moving it to Wednesday. If it gets us more people at the group dinner, that's a positive.


Are there that many people who make the effort to drive across country who need to leave after two days?


Do it really matter which night we do the dinner?

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skinny_tom (aka boney)
I don't have an issue with moving it to Wednesday. If it gets us more people at the group dinner, that's a positive.


Are there that many people who make the effort to drive across country who need to leave after two days?


Do it really matter which night we do the dinner?


I don't know the specifics, but it sounds like we're right before the MOA National Rally. Considering that Redmond is only a day away...

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The MOA is July 15 - July 18 in Redmond, WA.


I am wondering if we did move it, would that create an equal or greater concern for those that might not be coming in until late Wednesday or Thursday?


I almost hate to do it, as we all know we'll never please everyone, but maybe we put it out to the board members for feedback and see if there really is a concern.

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we're right before the MOA National Rally. Considering that Redmond is only a day away...


Are you suggesting we start on Monday with dinner Wednesday night?

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We cannot move the event forward.

Markleville Death Ride is the weekend before our event. Local lodging (including TL) is full, and there will be a LOT of bicycle traffic on the passes, with some passes closed over the weekend.

We want no one trying to arrive before Monday.

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