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Nurse, Nurse!


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We were notified yesterday that our youngest daughter Krista was accepted into the Army Nurse Corp Candidate program. She is a junior at UAB in her first year of nursing school and will finish her degree there before heading down to Fort Sam Houston for her Officer Basic Course.


We are so proud of her decision to do this and just wanted to share the love.

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Congrats to our soon-to-be Lt. Our country is fortunate to have so many young people contiue to step up and serve. Alot of young lives will benefit from her service. The unfortunate thing is that she will likely never know how grateful those soldeir's families will be for her service. I have close trustworthy friends in San Antonio that would be happy to assist if she ever needs anything. And I will take a dozen tortillas fromt he Alamo Cafe... :)

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Congrats! My just-commissioned son has a couple of friends who went this route--they're great young people doing important work. That's a great career choice, and one which should make you proud.

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Excellent!! You must be proud.


Just got off the phone with daughter #1 who is in SC. She has been a nurse for 5 years and I still remember her first day on the job and that beaming smile. It is a great career and to be an officer in the army to boot is an accomplishment as well.

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We were notified yesterday that our youngest daughter Krista was accepted into the Army Nurse Corp Candidate program. She is a junior at UAB in her first year of nursing school and will finish her degree there before heading down to Fort Sam Houston for her Officer Basic Course.


We are so proud of her decision to do this and just wanted to share the love.


I first offer congrats on her acceptance... I just hope she doesn't have to get involved in a combat situation... but instead gets posted stateside caring for the vets... and maybe... just maybe she can gain rank enough that she can help them fix the vet hospitals that seem to be broken... though fortunately it isn't all of them...


Or... maybe she can be posted at a decent one where her efforts will be recognized...


Anyways... tell her congrats and thanks in advance for her service...


Regards -


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I still remember her as that young girl riding on the back of daddy's bike as we got drenched on the way back from the Unrally in Arkansas. She was a neat kid then and she's grown up to be a young woman you can be proud of, Steve. :thumbsup:

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Very cool!!!


Fort Sam is a historic place.


From Lucky Lindy to Dwight D.


Now the "Home of Army Medicine" and "Home of the Combat Medic."


Tom's friend Laura was trained here and used some of those skills on Jan(Twisties)in Torrey last week.



If she needs anything, you know how to find me.





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Yes, I have great admiration for people in the medical field; helping other people often they need it the most. It’s one of the most noble of professions. Best of luck to her!

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Time to dust off the Stetson and Blues for her commissioning!



Halfway down the trail to hell in a shady meadow green,

are the souls of all dead troopers camped near a good old time canteen,

and this eternal resting place is know as Fiddler's Green.....


Out Front!


You bet I will Mike.


To all, thanks for all the happy thoughts. We appreciate it!

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