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One the road.

Marty Hill

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On the road in nw texas. Anyone know how to contact Darrell (west texas rt)? If you have his # please call me at 404-/{5804300.


It's important and thanks.

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Good thinking Marty... :thumbsup:

you need help and you know the fastest way to get anyone's attention is to post under ride tales :grin:...

I see you are still not one for posting pictures with your ride tale.


Hope you have the situation under control!


Now post the ride tale...please. :wave:


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Not sure how this got out of hand. I asked for Darrell's phone # because I lost it when my new phone dropped dozens of numbers. I wanted to have coffee with him as I passed thru/also asked in the southwest section of ADVrider for help in finding a moto shop. I finally rode to amarillo found a shop and had the new tire put on.


Sorry if anyone was worried/just got back on this board. Oh, I'm home for 2 days now.

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Not sure how this got out of hand. I asked for Darrell's phone # because I lost it when my new phone dropped dozens of numbers. I wanted to have coffee with him as I passed thru/also asked in the southwest section of ADVrider for help in finding a moto shop. I finally rode to amarillo found a shop and had the new tire put on.


Sorry if anyone was worried/just got back on this board. Oh, I'm home for 2 days now.


On the road in nw texas. Anyone know how to contact Darrell (west texas rt)? If you have his # please call me at 404-/{5804300.


It's important and thanks.




????? :eek:


Nothing to see here... just move on...keep moving....

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