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Beware the iPhone 3.1 update

skinny_tom (aka boney)

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skinny_tom (aka boney)

This morning I used the "restore" feature in iTunes to essentially reinstall the phone's OS. I believe that this process formats the phone's memory to a blank slate before starting. Once it's done you can put all your contacts and stuff back on from the backup feature, but everything else is gone. So if there's pictures you want to save on the phone, get them off of there.


So far so good.


I'm wondering if this is some sort of result from fragmented memory. I have been known to test an app or two then delete 'em.

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before you do a software update might want to do a complete sync so as all the latest iphone data is stored. i had the same issue, reset then resynched. after that the new software installed flawlessly for some reason and no prob since. didn't lose anything.

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I waited until yesterday to do the update (apparently it was necessary to do the carrier update to get MMS.)


I haven't had any problems so far, and no one at work has had any problems. Time will tell though I suppose...

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skinny_tom (aka boney)

Did it again today, once.


Perhaps it's a problem with one of the apps not closing all the way before putting the phone to sleep...

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The other issue with 3.1 is that it breaks the tethering profile. Using the iPhone as a cellular modem for my PowerBook MacBook Pro is pretty nice when you've got 3G speeds... :)


So until I find a way (aside from extortionate AT&T surcharges) to retain/regain tethering with 3.1 (or later) I'm done with the iPhone OS updates...

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