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This is a Tragic Case!


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I wanted to share this story. It is one of the most heart tugging stories I've ever seen and if you feel compassion for him, please don't do anything. These guys are getting pretty creative but they sure can't spell.



Dearly Beloved,


I am Mr. Joeseph Martin, a rich cocoa merchant from Ivory Coast. my wife claire died when our only child Tracy B was only six month old due to illments related to cancer.Due to the love i have for my late wife i decided not to marry again and take the care of my only child as a single parent.I did everything to give my child the best education and training.


Tracy B was sent to Havard University in U.S.A to study medicine but as fate will have it she died last to yrs on the september 15th 2007 by motor accident as she went for shopping with her friend and that is the genesis of my problem.


Since then i have been suferring from frequent hearth faluires which has resulted from me been paralysed. I have taken every medical treatment to see if i can regain my health but the worst happen last month when the doctor revealed to me that there is no other medical means in which i can regain my health and the rate in which my health was detoriating that i will soon leave the mother earth.


Moreover during my active days as a cocoa merchant i made a lot of money totalling about $3.4 million US dollars but the unfortuinate thing was that i have to tranfered this money to a secuirity company in Spain in 2005 due to frequent political instability in my country pending when my daughter will graduate from the university to take care of it but she never lived to inherit fund.


Now, since i have loose everythig i lived for, my wife,child, and my health,i have now decided to give this money out to semptember 11 charity organisation, churches or other charity organisations.


i am now looking for a born again christian and trustworthy foreigner which i will transfered this money to his care and who will help accomplished my aim of reaching and helping the september 11 victims.Presently The fund is in custody of the company in Spain waiting for a claim. Upon hearing from you i will provide you with all the necessary documents concerning the fund for you to contact the company and claim the fund as my partner, and please assure me that you will donate the fund as i have instructed so that i can release the contact of the company and all the documentations to you. I am writting this mail from my bed at the hospital due to i cannot be able to speek for now.

Have a nice day and may the Almighty God Bless you and your family now and forever Amen.


Your's In Christ,

Mr. Joeseph Martin.




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Dear Mr Martin

After reading your story Ive been unable to stop laughing I mean crying. Ive called the top film makers and they are all interested in your story. We have arranged through french and swiss banks for financing on your life story which we expect to be a blockbuster.

Unfortunately the banks have only guaranteed 25 million on a projected production budget of 25,000,000.99. As you can see we are short 99 cents. Please send us the amount of 99 cents so we can move forward on this project. As a way of showing our appreciation, Lehman brothers has agreed as part of your compensation package to send you a thankyou note with a lollypop made specifically for suckers.



the lollypop gang

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