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Farkles on my R1200RT


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L-Mar, I appreciate your help, but I'm hosting my own photos, so that should be the problem. Also, the HTML or BBBCode is correct. I'm flummoxed.

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Nice pictures, but I think your Nuvi is a Zumo. I'm pretty sure of that because I can see Zumo written on it.


Duh. I was so challenged by actually posting these pictures, my brain farted. :dopeslap:

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That top case is dying for a coat of red on the top shell.


That looks like a Givi case. (I'm not really sure cause I can't see it written). I've had a few of those and the walls on them are a little thinner than the BMW cases which makes them a bit more flexible.

I'm not sure how well the paint would last on them. Probably would need some flexible paint like the type used on plastic covered bumpers on cars.

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