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MN Introduction


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Hi Folks,

My name is Critter and I joined your forum to learn about and gain information about my wife Deb's 1200RT. She bought one of the first bikes shipped over the pond and she is very happy with it (70,000+ miles). I will be farkeling her bike over this winter to increase her riding pleasure.

We are primarily touring riders but we also enjoy riding LD/endurance events. She hasn't had a lick of trouble with all those miles except for one day when we burned out a bunch of headlight bulbs for some unexplained reason. That event has never reoccurred so we blame it on bad gas (lol)!

We just got back from our latest adventure, 16 days on The Colorado Plateau, 4500 miles, 10 drops of rain (split evenly 5 drops on each bike), 2 Mules, 7 Condors, and many miles of hiking!

We wish you all many happy miles of riding and thanks in advance for answering my questions.


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Welcome Critter. What year is the bike. Get your wife in here too. What are you riding? That last ride sounds like a winner! Enjoy making your wife happy, dear man.

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Thanks Kathy,

My wife frequents the TeamStrange forum on occasion and that's about it. Sweetie's bike is a 2005 model. I ride a ST-1300 and a Harley FXRT.


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Gosh, I haven't looked into TeamStrange in a while. I always enjoyed their twist on things. Hope you two get to one of our UNget togethers. You'd enjoy the people.

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Paul In Australia

Hi Critter

Welcome to the fold of the "questionable sanity" group.

Mate how come your wife has the best bike in the family ? she must have great taste. LOL.

best regards


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