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7 day trip to Switzerland


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Ebbo! What a great write-up about your trip. I read every word, thinking all the while, "I gotta do this!"


Sorry about your pal, Graham. I get the feeling he'll be riding again soon, tho.


The photos and story are all first rate. I wonder about the TMax... wouldn't be my choice for what you did, but aside from the short legs, sounds like it did OK.


BTW, John Hermann is a living legend here in San Diego. John lives in his riding leathers, and we fondly call him "King of the Alps" - or maybe HE calls himself that; no matter. He knows so much about that area it isn't funny. The book you recommend is definitely a "must read" if you're going to tour the Alps on 2 wheels!


Thanks for the time and effort you put into your site. Nice thing to share. Best to you and your friends,


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Ebbo! What a great write-up about your trip. I read every word, thinking all the while, "I gotta do this!


Yeah, me, too! Of course, I've been saying, "I am going to do that." I'm always happy to read about it. I recently gained a new member on my team at work from our Neuchatel, Switzerland, office. I've been working on my boss to convince him I need to go visit Pascal for a few weeks next summer. So far, he's failing to see the need, but I'll keep working it. smile.gif



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Graham (Kid) is doing ok, he is taking about getting back on 2 wheels again, maybe for next summer, I hope so…

I never under estimated the Tmax, No it’s not my choose of machine ether but Donkey has ridden everything from Turbo’s to Goldwings to Beemers, but he likes big Scoters. I like him because he is an Individual and not afraid to be different.

Writing the story up was painful. Once Day 2 was written up I found I couldn’t go back to it to check it. I had my Son and Daughter proof read it as usual then uploaded it. If anything it’s a caution to us all to take care.

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