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BRR Routes are up!


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The new Routes for the Williamsburg BRR are up and posted here!


Matt did a fine job putting this together while I was busy not having a life due to work obligations. As a matter of fact, he did a much more effective job of time management than I did, as his life is as crazy lately if not more. Many thanks to him for making time to do this!


Remember, this is only the GPX file (Mapsource or GPS file), but the paper routes should follow in PDF form in a few days (Thanks Mitch!).


REMINDER: When you open this GPX file, right click on each and every route in the route list and RECALCULATE every single route. Once that is completed, save the file again to your computer and then and only then can you load the routes into your GPS. If you do not do this, your GPS will not recognize the original mapset that these routes were made with. Recalculating them gets your maps for your GPS in sync with the routes from the files.

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And me still without a GPS. :cry: I'll have to start looking for a GPX viewer app or browser plugin for Linux.


Anyway, looking at the long range weather forecast, at least it looks like good riding weather -- finally. I'm starting to grow gills and fungus.

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How about wine?


I just built my first linux desktop in about 8 years and ran Ubuntu with with wubi installer to dual boot my thinkpad. I'm running all kinds of things using wine from mounted files systems...

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I ended up installing the latest version of Google Earth. I had avoided GE up to now, because a netbook with an Atom processor inherently doesn't have much processing power, but the GE 5.1 has been optimized for speed, and I am quite surprised -- it's noticeably faster than earlier versions of GE running on my office Dell or iMac G5.


https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth#Alternative Installation

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REMINDER: When you open this GPX file, right click on each and every route in the route list and RECALCULATE every single route. Once that is completed, save the file again to your computer and then and only then can you load the routes into your GPS. If you do not do this, your GPS will not recognize the original mapset that these routes were made with. Recalculating them gets your maps for your GPS in sync with the routes from the files.


Thank you for the extra instructions, I would not have known this. Sadly this is beyond me, maybe one day I will learn this stuff. Do you right click on the route, on the map in Mapsource then recalculate? Then do you go to the top left of the map page and save, then reopen, then download to the GPS? Thanks from someone that has no clue.

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All you need to do is open the route in Mapsource, and then where you see each of the routes on the left hand menu, right click each one and choose recalculate.


Then send them to your GPS. If you need, PM me a number and I can walk you through it on the phone.

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Where are the new routes? When I follow the link I still get the 2008 batch.

I also cannot get to the list of attendees. I could last week but not anymore. Any ideas as to what gives?

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Where are the new routes? When I follow the link I still get the 2008 batch.

I also cannot get to the list of attendees. I could last week but not anymore. Any ideas as to what gives?


Not sure Tom. I just did the download and the filename is correct. I don't have Mapsource at work, so I will have to actually check the contents of the file when I get home sometime late in the night.



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Well I assume its a glitch at my end but I'm too much of a computer illiterate to figure it out. The Accomodation, Brats, and Saturday dinner tabs are all current. The Rides tab however (and your link) take me to 08 rides. And as I said my machine no longer recognizes the attendee list address. Huh?

Any suggestions, anyone?

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All you need to do is open the route in Mapsource, and then where you see each of the routes on the left hand menu, right click each one and choose recalculate.



Got it, Thanks! I didn't even know that left tab was there, first time I have used it. DUH!

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Shawn -

The web page still says "Routes From BRR Fall 08" which is what is probably throwing a couple people off. You may want to update the web page to say 09.


I do believe the filename is correct since it references the KY routes.


(once a QA guy, always a QA guy.....)





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(once a QA guy, always a QA guy.....)





You know, Craig is coming right Jim? And he's a QA guy... We may have to put you two in a corner together...

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Shawn -

The web page still says "Routes From BRR Fall 08" which is what is probably throwing a couple people off. You may want to update the web page to say 09.


Done! I double checked the file for content too, it's correct.



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Got the routes. Thanks.

Are they all paved?


All of them that we rode are.

Well, the one through the Dan'l Boone park was kind of narrow, but it should be pretty!

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Nice n Easy Rider

According to today's news, flooding in 20 counties in western North Carolina closed roads and Louisville KY had 4 inches of rain yesterday. And, of course, northwest GA is taking a big hit. Has anyone heard anything about how the Williamsburg KY area is doing and especially how some of the smaller roads to Williamsburg are doing?

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Heck, Interstates are flooded in W/NW Ga.


Hoping for cooler temps and drying out, soon.

Several of the small towns we are going through have issues w/roads.

Got to get better next week.

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Matt, when you miss an event, you miss all the fun. Craig and I already did this at the RCR. If you would have been there, you too could have listened to the exciting chatter of quality vs deadlines, customer complaint tales, defect tracking, version controls, ......


Aren't you glad you missed it? :grin:





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Matt -

Is there a legend anywhere? I'm seeing some points marked with a black flag (e.g., Lawson_hollow_turn_in) and some blue flags (e.g., redriverturnin) - what is the difference?


I'm looking at my route down and thinking about hitting some of the roads with markers that are not part of an official route but I also don't want to end up on a "Keith road" (ie, unpaved, single track, river crossing, etc). [sorry Keith but my RT doesn't do that]





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Remember, this is only the GPX file (Mapsource or GPS file), but the paper routes should follow in PDF form in a few days (Thanks Mitch!).

Is there any hope for PDF versions for the GPS-less?

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Remember, this is only the GPX file (Mapsource or GPS file), but the paper routes should follow in PDF form in a few days (Thanks Mitch!).

Is there any hope for PDF versions for the GPS-less?


We had a discrepancy in one of the routes that took some clarification. That's been taken care of and Mitch should have those completed shortly. If he takes too long, we might have to cut his pay. :grin::rofl:

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Otherwise, maybe for some extra linux help I'll email you some!


Mitch is doing them in Streets and Trips (Converting the mapsource files by hand). The PDF's off that are a lot easier to follow than if you just print to a PDF file from Mapsource. That's the reason I am having him do them. Not to mention, he expands the margins to 1.0 inches so they fit into a tankbag window much easier when you cut them down. I would do them myself, but he is much quicker at this than I am. You would still be waiting for them at Halloween if I did them... :)



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I was able to view the routes through Google Earth, but that's not a convenient tool for on the road navigation.


Not really related, but this seems as good a place as any: I'm planning to ride up to Dahlonega on Friday, and can offer a garage, some tools, a single bed in an upstairs bedroom, and/or a futon in the living room to anybody who wants to hit the road to KY early. If you need tires, there's a good shop about 7 miles away. This weekend's forecast stinks, but Monday-Wednesday forecast is just about perfect riding conditions.


I'm planning to leave for Williamsburg Thursday morning, taking 60 to Turtletown, then 68 to Tellico Plains, then depending on the weather, either Cherohala/Deal's gap or a more direct route to Knoxville, and thence to Williamsburg. I'm nursing a sore left elbow, so I'll be riding at a relaxed pace.


To reserve a place, PM me for directions. I'll have intermittent internet access from open WiFi connections.

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I have a Tom Tom. Mapsource is Garmin. What to do?


I wish I knew Kathy. Does your Tom Tom even accept routes of any kind? Maybe that's something to post in the Bike Related forum?



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Joe Frickin' Friday
The BRR PDF's for paper routes are up here.


Sorry for the delay.




It's been brought to my attention that some of these PDF files have the map view zoomed in to just a small portion of the route. My apologies to folks for cranking them out without bothering to examine the final product. :dopeslap: I will put together something better tonight; stay tuned...

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I'm not sure how to do all of this so I'm bringing my computer for the geeks to help me learn this stuff :grin:



I hope there aren't any BRIDGE routes!!! :cry:



I'll probably just follow someone again. Is it time to leave?

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I'm not sure how to do all of this so I'm bringing my computer for the geeks to help me learn this stuff :grin:



I hope there aren't any BRIDGE routes!!! :cry:



I'll probably just follow someone again. Is it time to leave?


Computers?? We don't need no stinking computers ... :grin:

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New to me! Bought the pre-MicroWire at 25% off. Never had 'em before. Never ridden on a highway before this year, so I want to be ready for windchill.


Now, where to stash the extra granola bars…

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New to me! Bought the pre-MicroWire at 25% off. Never had 'em before. Never ridden on a highway before this year, so I want to be ready for windchill.


Now, where to stash the extra granola bars…


Tank bag, where your left hand can get at them. If you are IronButtingIt it hard candy is dandy.

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Bridge routes? What's wrong with bridge routes?


When is it time for you to leave?


Leaving Thursday morning around 5:30AM. Call in sick and ride down with me!!!

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Tank bag, where your left hand can get at them. If you are IronButtingIt it hard candy is dandy.

No, that's where the granola bars go. I meant the extra granola bars!


I'm bringing enough to last a while- I sometimes get a little sugar crashy. The extras are going in the side case, and the I'll refill the tankbag as I eat them. Canteen goes in the glovebox. Wish I had one of those fancy modular helmets where you can drink without taking it off. Maybe if I'm very good I'll get one in a couple months…

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Can only spare Friday off. Just spent two weeks off in Italy. My boss is anxious - to say the least - about the piles of work overflowing my desk ... and customers clamouring.

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