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??? For Gerbing Wearers


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The Gerbing website recommends wearing a turtleneck (single layer) under it's coats. But what about under the Cascade pants?


Suggestions? I think I may get my first chance to test my Gerbing stuff next week in the mountains of CO and NM.





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I have the Gerbings heated pants liner to go with my jacket liner. I think the main thing is you want all your skin covered between you and the Gerbings.

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I like a turtleneck in cold weather with or without my Gerbings. As for the pants, depends on how long the ride is. Sweatpants are great if you don't mind walking around in them. The reason you need something is because of the hot spots the heated gear can develop. Especially around the knees where your riding gear normally is pulled tight. I only use the Gerbing pants when it is about 45 degrees or less. But they sure beat the bulk of layering to keep warm!

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Thanks for the info, I picked up a H-D branded jacket liner (had some reward bucks to spend) and am going to be wiring it in when I change batteries this fall. I didn't think about covering bare skin, but will be paying attention to it now!



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If you're talking about Gerbings Pant Liners, a simple single layer, such as PolyPro or UnderArmour works fine, provided you wear riding pants atop the heated liner to help retain the heat (also because you need good abrasion protection).


However, if you're wondering what to wear under Gerbings' Union Ridge overpants, you can wear as little as what's described above, or you can wear jeans. It's your call. The Union Ridge overpants put out enough heat to warm you, even through jeans.

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EffBee, that's what I've been wondering about. Jeans or something thinner like UA.


I should probably start a new thread for this, but while I'm here--it seems like the collar on the Cascade is very open. Do folks have a problem with it acting like a funnel in the rain? Do you have some trick to keep it a little tighter? I thought my trip was going to be relatively dry, but now rain is popping up in the forecast across the entire route. And is the Cascade stuff as good as the Gerbing web site says at keeping out the rain?



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