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Two Weeks from now...


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I'll be sitting at the Cumberland in sipping some Kentucky Bourbon watching as my friends ride in for the BRR.


Who's excited?









I think I'll go pack. :rofl:

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Nice n Easy Rider
I'll be sitting at the Cumberland in sipping some Kentucky Bourbon watching as my friends ride in for the BRR.


Who's excited?


I think I'll go pack. :rofl:


Definitely. T-13 days and counting. Already started checking the weather and looks like I'll definitely need the liner for the mesh. But that's my kind of weather. See ya'll soon. :clap:

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Hey, I'm already packing. Leaving day after tomorrow to BRR/Cumberland Inn via Torrey. :grin:




My respect for you prevents me from posting what I want to.

But, if I didn't feel that way I'd say, "you s*ck!"



Have a wonderful ride, Beth and I will see you in 2 weeks and 7 1/2 hours.

Best wishes.

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I'm going home on the way for a day or so. Need to switch some parts over and ride up to ky on the new bike. Have to get the '07 ready for sale. Going back roads to amarillo, tx then I-40 to memphis and back roads to home. I wish I could come with you/not that I could keep up. Thor (traveler 1) will be in torrey. It would be great if 3 of the very senior members could get together for dinner 1 night. I'd still be the kid! :thumbsup:

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I'm going home on the way for a day or so. Need to switch some parts over and ride up to ky on the new bike. Have to get the '07 ready for sale. Going back roads to amarillo, tx then I-40 to memphis and back roads to home. I wish I could come with you/not that I could keep up. Thor (traveler 1) will be in torrey. It would be great if 3 of the very senior members could get together for dinner 1 night. I'd still be the kid! :thumbsup:


Marty, this route includes a run through Nashville on the way to Williamsburg, yes?? :wave:

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Jerry, who is probably older than all of us, and I will be arriving Thursday evening. Dinner with two kids would be great. We're booked at the Capitol Reef.

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It's OK, I hear it's hard for you senior citizens to follow one train of thought.


You guys get to hijack any of my posts whenever you want to.

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I'm excited. Just have one small item to attend to before the trip.

Seems one of my low beams has just met an early demise. (21 months/just under 15,000 miles).

I have a replacement bulb. Hopefully my technically challenged self can figure this one out. :dopeslap: If not, I guess I'll just have to ride up on high beam and get some help in Kentucky... :grin:

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I'm excited!!!


Recently retired, this will be my first road trip during the school year. We've had frost here already so it will be great to ride into some warmer weather. I am really looking forward to making my virtual friends real, since I've only met Shawn once and Mitch a few times at techdaze. I'm trying to figure out when I should arrive on Friday. Are there a schedule/routes available for the days' activities?


I've been resisting for weeks the urge to pack. Yeeha!

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Nice n Easy Rider
I'm excited!!!


Recently retired, this will be my first road trip during the school year. We've had frost here already so it will be great to ride into some warmer weather. I am really looking forward to making my virtual friends real, since I've only met Shawn once and Mitch a few times at techdaze. I'm trying to figure out when I should arrive on Friday. Are there a schedule/routes available for the days' activities?


I've been resisting for weeks the urge to pack. Yeeha!


I believe Matt said the Makers Mark distillery tour was at 11AM on Friday. The ride to see the "Moonbow" will presumably be after dinner on Friday. The group dinner is on Saturday. Those are the only times I can give you.

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Taking off to BRR in a hour or so.... the long way...


I wish I was going with you Paul, but I know couldn't keep up with you anyway... :eek:


Have a safe trip Sir, we will see you in less than two weeks! :clap:



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Nice n Easy Rider
Taking off to BRR in a hour or so.... the long way...


Ditto! (closer to 1 1/2 hours)




You guys are MEAN. :D


Ride safely.

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Made the first BRR, missed the 2nd and now I'm looking forward to going to my 3rd and meeting people on this forum. Just have to figure out the route maps on my new Zumo and I'm ready to go. Will be there Friday and will try to get there for the distillery tour.


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Excellent Bruce!


Remember, the distillery is about 80 or so miles up the slab from the hotel... If you're coming that morning and want to do the tour, you may be well served to just come straight there and join us.

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