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Migsel Mount for GPS


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I am new to this forum and new to a 2008 RT which I picked up (slightly) used last Saturday. I still have an oilhead RT (for sale) and I had my Zumo mounted on a RCU shelf which I really liked - it was up high and I could refer to it without taking my eyes off the road. The RCU shelf for the 1200RT is not an option as it is only joined at two places and I feel it would cause the Zumo to bounce too much. (I have it on the end of a short arm.) I looked at other shelf options but they seem too complex so I am figuring on buying the Migsel available at Cycle Gadgets (http://www.cyclegadgets.com/Products/orderbysku.asp) about 2/3 of the way down the page. I have heard from one individual that this also bounces but I don't see how unless the entire fairing is bouncing. Anyone with any experience with the Misgel base? And where have you threaded the power cord to the unit?


I hope to learn a lot about my new bike here and elsewhere and perhaps I can also contribute from time to time, especially in regards to an oilhead RT as I have 175,000 km on that bike. I know I have lots of questions regarding my hexhead RT as I will be looking to personalize the bike as I did with the oilhead.



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I don't have personal experience with the Migsel mount, but like the concept. It puts the unit right where it should go. But, the Migsel mount seems pricey. I was considering trying to design my own once I got a GPS to go on the bike. Was thinking of a Nuvi 550.

I have heard that the Migsel with the RAM mount might vibrate under certain conditions. But, there is the option with the solid mount and that might be the way to go.

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Got a Migsel on the Board and it's great. Steady and in a perfect position. Installs in minutes and no bike alterations needed. It holds most of it's value if you don't like it and decide to sell.

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I've had a Migsel mount for 35000 miles. Yes, it does vibrate a little bit, but I've never had any problem reading my GPS (Garmin 376c). I like it.

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I've got a migsel on my RT, but I do not use it for mounting the GPS. Currently I am using it to mount my escort and sirrius radio unit. Sure, it vibrates some but its... negligible. I just don't see it ever vibrating enough to affect your ability to easily read and/or operate the GPS unit.



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I have a Migsel mount on my '03 RT and love it. It is very functional and looks stock and thus cleaner than some of the other options. No problems w/ Garmin 2610 or camera. The '08 has a somewhat different configuration. Mine allows for 3 RAMs to be mounted, not sure about the '08 though.

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Thanks for the replies, everyone. I have ordered the Migsel and now wonder if I can install the electrics myself. The bike is already wired for a GPS but the plug is different. I may just splice the proper cord onto the old one. I know I won't look forward to removing the tupperware and dash to get at it.


Thanks again.

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I bought a Motorad Concepts mouning bracket (similar to the Migsel) from a member of this forum and finally got around to installing it with my BMW zumo last night. It seems well made and sturdy, and it puts the zumo in the perfect place. Does anyone else have any experience with this mount? The mount apparently is no longer available; I think the company is out of business.

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Have the Migsel, like it lots. The down side is Migsel likes it a lot as well, pricey. I use it for my Zumo GPS and Pioneer XM radio. There is a little vibration on the GPS due to it being a bit heavier than the xm radio, but it is not bad. As mentioned in earlier posts, I like that it keeps the two items up high, so I van keep my head and eyes up.

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Just took my first ride yesterday with the Migsel mount installed and I like it. Zumo is positioned right where I was used to it on the oilhead RT and the vibration is negligible. Nice simple install and clean looks. Now I just have to wire it up but I think I will have my mechanic do that when I get the 10,000 k maintenance done shortly.


Thanks for all the input, everyone. Really like this forum.

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