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Baja Mexico Questions


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Hi Everyone -


EO October, I'm taking my first 6-day journey into Mexico (may reach Cabo) from San Diego and hope to get some feedback from those who have recently toured the Baja on motorcycle? Specifically, I've viewed some travel warnings posted on Bajainsider.com and was looking for input & advice on preparation, planning, and safety? Hearing a lot of concern for drug wars in Tijuana. I'm renting a 2009 BMW F650 GS from Eaglerider and am traveling with about 5 people who done motorcycle tours in Baja in the past.


Any input or related threads would be appreciated, especially concerning obtaining the right travel insurance and other precautions. I'll plan to post some photos upon completion! Looking forward to a great adventure! :thumbsup:

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Mexico Insurance Sanborns is where I buy my coverage. You can do it online. I would exit Tecate, a lot less wait time at the border crossing. If you get to Cabo - I can recommend Hotel Mar de Cortez - priced right. You can find them with a Google search. Enjoy the fish taco! It should be a good ride!

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Hi Everyone -


EO October, I'm taking my first 6-day journey into Mexico (may reach Cabo) from San Diego and hope to get some feedback from those who have recently toured the Baja on motorcycle? Specifically, I've viewed some travel warnings posted on Bajainsider.com and was looking for input & advice on preparation, planning, and safety? Hearing a lot of concern for drug wars in Tijuana. I'm renting a 2009 BMW F650 GS from Eaglerider and am traveling with about 5 people who done motorcycle tours in Baja in the past.


Any input or related threads would be appreciated, especially concerning obtaining the right travel insurance and other precautions. I'll plan to post some photos upon completion! Looking forward to a great adventure! :thumbsup:


I am in Baja at least once a month for work. The area is a region to be concerned about but in a group like that, you should be ok. You need to have your Situational Awareness on at ALL times amigo. Kidnapping for ransom is a possibility so make sure you don't put yourself in a situation to have that happen (ie brothels, bars in areas outside of the tourist zone with no security etc). There is a 98%+ chance of having an amazing time in Baja and you will meet wonderful people. Once you are past the border area, it becomes a wonderful place.



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have your Situational Awareness on at ALL times

Mexico is such a disappointment with regards to safety. We used to visit the in-laws in Durango state and can no longer make the voyage because it's just too dangerous. Perhaps Baja is a different case given their reliance on tourism but keep your eyes peeled anyway.


+1 on Kaisr's statement

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