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:..WOW - what a vid..!!..:


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I don't want to lose you tonight,

You're the only thing that matters . . .


I think that of you EVERY DAY John! I'm just sayin'


Now, where's my beer!?!?!?!?





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i sAW that mullett on the HD dewd and thought of you immediately, Wurty.!


Glad you dug HammyLoomis...he's the treat.! Especially live.!

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i sAW that mullett on the HD dewd and thought of you immediately, Wurty.!


Glad you dug HammyLoomis...he's the treat.! Especially live.!


I don't think that was a Harley :grin:

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Calvin  (no socks)

Bone, you are a wicked man...I sat all the way through it...a one time event... At least she could have "Moon Walked" to the limo... :grin:


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