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Some people have time to do silly things


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From the "About Matt" section...


"Matt is not rich. Matt also doesn't have some magical secret for traveling cheaply. He does it pretty much the same way everybody else does.


Matt thinks Americans need to travel abroad more.


Matt was a very poor student and never went to college. When he got older, he was pleased to discover that no one actually cares. Matt doesn't want to imply that college is bad or anything. He's just saying is all. There's other ways to fill your head."


This Matt agrees with that Matt

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I got the traveling bug when I was 26 years old. I had only been to San Diego, Riverside, Redlands and other Cali locals on vacation with my parents. At 24 I became a deputy sheriff. At 26 I was lucky enough to be transferred to the warrants and fugitive detail.


Yes, looking for fugitives landed me trips to every state in the USA (except Maine, RI and Vermont) at least 5 times each and many states up to 10 times. Hawaii was done by me 5 times on investigations.


I was lucky enough to see many of the things I would have never seen due to not only time, but money. The FOJ's being sought were in sometimes neat places like......Jackson's Hole WY or NYC or maybe even Miami. Some took me to places where I could visit Civil war battlegrounds and museums like the Smithsonian.


I spent 9 years doing that and long for it again....Being a fugitive dick gave me a lot to be thankful for in my travels regarding extraditions and finding FOJ's.


The yearning for travel has not been lost....since my retirement from L/E I have been to over 37 countries and am planning my next trip at this moment. Life is short and Matt may be wise to that taking in all he can and doing what he loves.....


Good for him and all that do the same.

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