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Moving MapSource to new computer


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Having no computer savvy at all, could someone explain how to get Mapsource onto our iMac? We replaced our PC (where Mapsource was) w/ an iMac but I'm a little (a lot actually) unsure as to how to proceed. Thanks.

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I'd say the best place to pose that question is over at ADVRider.com, in the Layin' Down Tracks forum.


I know nothing about Macs, so bear with me. Is your iMac capable of running Windows software? The Mapsource you have loaded on your PC is not designed for the Mac's operating system, unless your iMac is one of those Macs that can run Windows as well as its own Mac operating system. I think Garmin has some sort of software available for Macs, but you'd best check that out on Garmin's website.

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So MapSource is Windows based? Wow whee, I am way outta my league here. We kept the PC for the kids. Might be best to leave well enough alone and continue to use the PC for MapSource.

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Mapsource does not work on a Mac. Garmin provides RoadTrip for the Mac, but it is only about 75% as useful. I think you can use Mapsource if you have a Windows simulation program on your Mac.

That has been my only disappointment after switching to the Mac. :P

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Go to Garmin and look at the Zumo for Mac section. Garmin has a version of Mapsource for the Mac called Road Trip.


Better yet... get familiar with Zumoforums.com, then go to Garmin.

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Hmm, been using Road Trip for over a year now and actually prefer it to the PC version. In fact the little 'netbook' running XP which I kept solely for the Garmin and GS911 application has been sold, no longer necessary!


I have XP available under Bootcamp for the once or twice a year I run a diagnostic on the RT using the GS911 program, but the Road Trip is a winner for me!


Also the Garmin Support site will give you step by step how to move over to the Mac environment..done it a few times now, works well.



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