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I DID IT....


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I couldn't help it. I tried waiting but Patience is NOT one of my strong suits!!! I have cried, ranted, raved and laughed while bouncing ideas around on how to make this happen BEFORE the silly insurance company settles. They have been soooo difficult! Makes me thankful that I have State Farm. Jeff, from Mortons BMW in Fredericksburg, would come up with options and the insurance company would delay one more thing. Every time I thought this was going to happen, something else would go wrong. Another friend of mine from OH has been helping me with financial options and what makes sense and what is best FOR ME!!! I've been back and forth on so many things. I'm surprised he hasn’t shot me yet, or duct taped my mouth shut, so I couldn't change my mind AGAIN!


Mortons was GREAT with letting me test ride and discuss several options. I rode the K1200R Sport, then the R1200RT, then the R1200GS (YES, I did test ride that ugly GS!!) and finally, the K1300GT. FOR MEEEEE - ABSOLUTELY NO COMPARISON!!!! GT won hands down!!!! Within minutes, I was grinning to Jeff and telling him - THIS WAS IT!!! That was nearly a month or so ago!!!


Soooooo Here you go....


My NEW Baby…..


I did try waiting for the insurance to settle but I just couldn’t wait any longer. All State is very hard to deal with so now the lawyer is involved. YUK!


So while they fight, I will ride…..


Here's Max patiently waiting to leave this morning….




My new 2010, K1300GT


Barely out of the box with only 14 miles…





Jeff Massey, who is TRULY a man of patience!!! Thank you sooooo much Jeff and Mortons!! I LOVE IT!!!







Proud owner….




One HAPPY family….



Max, at Mortons – he’s happy…





My friends…. Kermit, David, and Jim




I almost missed a dinner celebration for Ms. Kitty tonight because I couldn’t get off the bike!! WHAT AN AWESOME MACHINE!!!!


Okay, Matt and Shawn, sign me up for the Fall BRR, I'm coming! :clap:

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Max will PROBABLY ride with me again, but not until I get a little more confident. He was great on the R1200ST and loved going with me. Now, I'm getting used to the traffic again. I'll probably wait until next Spring to put him on this bike. I was very thankful that he wasn't on the bike with me when I was hit, and I have to get passed that before I can put him back on. Plus, I haven't really inspected his cage. Since it was knocked off, I don't know what damage is serious, and I can't buy a replacement because the company went out of business. Very sad, since this was the best and safest dog crate I had ever seen!


Oh well, back to riding for me anyway..... :grin:

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Yes, I should have added in my post that I love the red color, too. Tried to get my GT in that color, but none available locally. So I settled on the platinum beige (or whatever they call it), It reminds me of the color of the Buicks favored by senior citizens. And -- I am a senior citizen so can say that -- but you'll never catch me driving a Buick or beige car or wearing a hat while driving. ;)

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Looking good!


Tell that friend in OH that you really, really needed this as part of your therapy and if he doesn't like it, duct tape him until he agrees!


Poor Max.... he wants a ride sooo badly.





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Excellent news Tina, looking forward to seeing you in KY!


I second that comment! Great looking bike, and I love the color!





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You gonna get citations just sittin' at the curb, girl!!!!



no doubt!!! The cops are already circling my place! I'm not sure if they want to ticket me or ask me out for a date!! :grin:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ohhhhh I did some FARKLINGGGG today!!!! I'm high on life right now! It went great. I was so excited that I left and got a hair cut and new hair color. You know, new bike, new hair. I'm all about the color! :grin:


Phil - You had some great ideas, I think you'll like what I did to mine too. I took over 100 pics today, so it will be a while before I go through them and post a few. There were a couple of things that I thought were cool.


Still not done, but wow, a LOT was done today! Thanks to JVB for helping me!! :clap:

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You gonna get citations just sittin' at the curb, girl!!!!



no doubt!!! The cops are already circling my place! I'm not sure if they want to ticket me or ask me out for a date!! :grin:


I suddenly feel SO old and SO slow on my R1200RT. I drooled over the GT's today while at the dealer.


Enjoy your new ride, girl!


- Scott

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"You know, new bike, new hair. I'm all about the color!"


Tina, is your hair purple? :rofl: I'll check it out - your hair and your bike, at BRR!



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"You know, new bike, new hair. I'm all about the color!"


Tina, is your hair purple? :rofl: I'll check it out - your hair and your bike, at BRR!



Not yet, but since so many have asked that, I'm thinking of buying a can and putting in purple highlights, JUST FOR YOU! :rofl: But then no one will sit with me at dinner and I hate eating along. :cry:



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