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London Motorcycle Mania


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I have been in London for the past week on business, stuck in a convention center for 10 hours per day and then in the hotel for another few catching up on work related e-mails from back home.


Tonight represents my one and only chance to get out and do a little sightseeing before flying home tomorrow morning. Since I'm alone and have already seen all the tourist stuff on a previous trip, I'd like to see what the MC scene here is all about. I've heard some talk of Chelsea Bridge, and of course the Ace Cafe, as cool places for motorcyclists to go on Friday night. Any other advice or comments? I'm based at a hotel within walking distance of the Tottenham Court Underground station. Any help appreciated!



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Damn, Moshe -I am heading in the other direction, for a short break in Scotland.


The Ace cafe is, erm, ace...

I am afraid I do not get to London very often and do not know the area very well.



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Just got back - what an amazing experience! We don't have anything like that in the States that I've ever been to. What a wild scene! Wilder yet is London at night, 12:20pm and the streets are mobbed with what looks like a Victoria's Secret runway show. I'm dropping off my ACE stuff I purchased and going back out to gaze...



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