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And then I was home


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I had a great time with the PP ride with the group from Daluath over to the UN. Yhe UN was excellent but unexpected problems with the sunroom addition at home cut my stay short and I headed back on Wed. Figured I'd be home on Fri.

Left the motel at 5:30 and rode through the morning fog on rt2, fueled up and hit the slab. A cool start and the gerbings jacket was earning its keep. Warm and toasty I rolled on at about 10 over in and out of fog snd mist. Little traffic and no trucks yet.

Vt passed them Mass. and on to the turnpike. I hadden been out here since the war and time at Ft Devens. Lots of memories filled my helmet as I rolled along.

Welcome to NY now get out of the way!! The speed picked up a little and I had more cages that seemed to want to run me over.

On and on. The Turnpike gas stops were like Nascar, splash and go.

The temps stayed cool and only 2 rain areas that lasted all of 10 minutes each.

Hey this isn't too bad. I found the right combination of pain killers and energy drink for the bad knee and I felt no pain as I rode on to Penn, then Ohio.

Cleveland , should I stop, nah, the weather is perfect its only 18:00 hrs might as well ride a little farther. Oh, sun set in the eyes ough, ouch,ok its down. Indiana ahead, hum it's a narrow state, maybe, just maybe.

Wow it's cool again better find the gerbings, ah that's better.

Just me and the trucks now. My XM is playing all the right songs and the V1 lets out a blast now and then just to keep me honest.

Wowzer the IND highway patrol strobes are bright. Must be able to see them for 40 miles away. I keep a steady pace and then I see the sign,... Chicago 50 miles forward.

I 80/94 the dreaded gauntlet for bikes. 6 lanes each way always under construction, always down to 3 or less with one being an express with cement walls on both sides. I feel like a pinball being chased by 18 wheelers and they are flying. Right this is now IL where speed limits are purely a suggestion.

Zoom up 294 , down I 55 and then as if by magic i'm fueling up at the Shell 2 blocks from home and the clock says 12:16 thurs. 1200 some miles, what 20 hrs or so. One 1/2 hr food stop.

Best long run I've ever made and even though it was all slab it was ok.

Now I didn't plan this so I have no witnesses for a possible iron pants but I don't care. God and I know and thats what counts.

Oh and I gave the contractor a good ass chewing and we are back on track but like a goverment project we are way over budget and a lot behind schedule. :rofl:

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Calvin  (no socks)

Rich, the tag frame is for those that plan ahead... "Un"-planned adventure has no tag frame..Kinda like an Un-Rally...You da man, bum knee and all... :thumbsup:

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