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Four Corners of Arizona Ride (quite a few pics)


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There were several reasons for my four corners of Arizona trip. I needed a bit of an escape from the regimented life of the military and being on the road gives me absolute freedom to do what I want, when I want, go where I want…I know it sounds a bit selfish but it is about the farthest thing from regimented I can imagine. The other point of this trip was to stop at each of the four corners of Arizona - Douglas, Four Corners Monument, Beaver dam/Littlefield, and San Luis – and see some amazing sights in between. This ride was definitely all about that.




Just out the door on my way to Douglas for my first mandatory stop of the journey. The sun was just coming up and I was really stoked for the many miles that lie ahead.




Here is my ‘mandatory’ shot of Douglas:




Now, it’s off to AZ 191 and some fun twisty roads. First, I had to stop and get gas in Lordsburg. I should have had my medical checkup before I headed out though. It seems I have what’s referred to as HRW affliction (Heavy Right Wrist) and that would lead me to an unfortunate meeting with one of Lordsburg’s finest Deputy Sheriffs. He dropped my speed down 5mph to keep the cost of my performance award down and sent me on my way. I asked if I could take a picture of him but he declined.


Anyway, I'm off to AZ191. My first stop was to take a few pictures of the mine in Morenci. What a huge hole in the ground. The mountains there seem to be made out of the tailings from digging.





Oh yes, I almost forgot the twisty roads. If I had just panned a little more right you could’ve seen the road coming back up and twisting around and away:






It turns out a storm was in the making and I was going to have to head through it to get to my first stop in Gallup, NM. BTW, Frogg Toggs work like a dream.






Still on AZ 191. Thought the RT would look good next to this old corral.




It rained pretty much the rest of the way into Gallup so I didn't stop to take any more pictures. Day 2 to follow shortly...

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Day 2


This is going to be the longest day (or so I thought) and be the day with the most spectacular scenery.


I woke up at about 3:30AM excited as a child on Christmas morning. So, not being able to sleep, I packed up and headed out the door to my first mandatory stop of the day, Four Corners Monument. The moon was setting and the sun was coming up somewhere in northern New Mexico so I stopped to take these on opposite sides of the road from each other:






The huge open expanse of this part of the country is amazing.




Here I’m at the second corner of the state before heading out to Monument National Park.




Mexican Hat:




Looking at this outcropping I kept thinking of Stonehenge.




Moving on down the road a bit brought me to these amazing sights. It also appears my RT isn’t camera shy and keeps wanting to get into the shots.








Now it’s off to see the Grand Canyon. And for the folks who told me to take 89A, THANK YOU!! That is one sweet road. So sweet, I forgot to stop and take pictures I was having so much fun.



So I finally arrive at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. The ride through the park is amazingly beautiful but for whatever reason, none of the pictures I took of the meadows and such turned out. Anyway, the Grand Canyon truly is grand. It is absolutely amazing how nature made this place.






This storm was chasing me all day.




I thought it was going to catch me. Tomorrow I’ll be wishing for clouds and rain to cool me off.




All up 89A the views were spectacular but I didn’t want to get caught in this storm so I kept chugging on until I got to Zion National Park.


All I can say about this place is WOW! You truly feel small when standing on the floor of the canyon.






I was pretty tired when I arrived in St George so I got a bite to eat and crashed into bed. Day 3 to follow shortly...

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Day 3


I once again woke up at an ungodly hour to start this leg of my journey; excited to be on the road. I wish I would’ve slept in a bit so I could’ve seen the canyon I drove through out of St George back into Arizona.


Here’s the mandatory shot of the northwest corner of Arizona.






Another beautiful sunrise somewhere near the Valley of Fire in Nevada on hwy 167




Here’s another shot from the Valley of Fire. It is going to be a hot day.




It turns out I didn’t have as much mileage left on my Z6’s as I thought. At the next gas stop I checked them out and saw cords. Not a good thing to notice at 0730 on a Sunday morning near Las Vegas. It was good that I discovered it though. I would’ve hated to have a break down in the desert. Anyway, after going to two large motorcycle outlets and discovering that it takes a special tool to take the wheels off, I found a place called the Motorcycle Tire Center on Charleston Blvd in Vegas. It is a cool small store that really has an old home feel. The owners are both retired and decided to buy this shop. They’ve been on the biker build off series on Discovery building something for Las Vegas Choppers. Anyway, they did a great job and had me out of there in an hour. The only problem was it took me 5 hours to find them. So now it is 1 pm, it’s HOT, and I set out to my fourth destination south of Yuma. Did I mention it was hot? I thought I was going to melt. I was over 100 for the entire trip and hit 110 several times. I would stop for water and ice at every gas stop on the way to Yuma. If the Army would’ve given me another day off, I would’ve spent the night in Laughlin and continued on the next morning when it wasn’t so doggone HOT. Anyway, western Arizona is, well, western Arizona. Not a whole lot to take pictures of along my chosen route. If I head that way ever again, I'll probably head through Lake Havasu and see the London Bridge. I'm sure it's much better to look at than the miles and miles of desert in the Mohave.


Anyway, having almost melted twice, I decided I didn't want to take any pictures along most of the route. I made it down to Yuma relatively uncooked…




and arrived at my fourth stop, San Luis. Not much to see in this town, just like Beaver Dam/Littlefield but I got the picture to say I was there anyway.




From there it was another 3 hours until I arrived at my destination in Ajo. I was smoked after today’s events and slept the sleep of the dead.


I woke up early again on day 4 and was home for brunch with the wife and kids. Now, if I can just convince the wife she wants to ride with me.


Thanks for letting me take you along.




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Great ride! Glad you had a good time.


It turns out I didn’t have as much mileage left on my Z6’s as I thought. At the next gas stop I checked them out and saw cords.


This happens with Z6's. The only sport touring tire I view as truly a mistake. Good thing you caught it in time.

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Great story and photos. Hope to master this posting of a trip in the near future and rally back to you with shots of Kooteney National Park in BC.


Stay tuned



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Thanks for the post Mike. We still cherish our Tee shirts from Dillon's in Sierra Vista (probably about 10 yrs. ago now) and remember the regularly appearing band Cherokee and a whole floor of people dancing around the floor in unison.


Your comment on the hills made from mine tailings is what we concluded as we looked out from Jerome into the valley we had just driven through thinking we were in natural hills.


What a great state you have to explore (well, except for the +100 heat thing). We're looking forward to returning one day for a longer stay that will allow a more leisurely tour including some hiking. In the meantime, keep whetting our appetite with more pics. :thumbsup:





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Great job!! Your enthusiasm to get on the road is something I can relate to. I'm like a little kid sometimes. Good choice of color for the RT too. :grin: Thanks for sharing. :thumbsup:

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Brother, I'm still in; 22 years and counting. I'll probably punch out within the next 4 years.


To everyone: I appreciate the feedback and really did enjoy the ride.

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Me too, Foot! Retired last year after 26+ yrs in the Navy, and am absolutely LOVING the civilian contractor gig .... out of work by 4 PM, and on the bike by 4:15 EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!

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