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Advrider "Tent Space"....enough!!!!


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Mrs Whip and I have been on the "Tent Space" list for several years now. We have been contacted somewhere between 15 and 20 times. I have called or emailed back to each person or group in a positive way. We then go about making arrangements for our guests. Two gentleman and 1 group have actually showed up. The others never called to say they weren't gonna make it ... broke down or anything.




On the other hand we have had around 40(or more) different members of BMWST at our home and we are looking forward to more. I can't remember anyone ever not showin up without calling.


I realize it ain't the same thing.


I'll be removing our name from "Tent Space" later today. I'm waiting on a call back from someone who wants to stay at our home on Thursday.



I was wondering if our experience is unique or is this the way things are in the world of free "Tent Space"









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I can't imagine missing the opportunity to visit with you and the Mrs! I can guarantee you I'll make every effort to stop by if I'm ever in San Antonio. :)


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I'm thinking that they also don't really like to sleep in tents . . . being adventurers and all. :grin:


edit: However, I can't believe they are so rude as to not tell you if if they aren't going to show.

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Maybe you should ask over there... just sayin'.



I don't think you can have a conversation like that over there.


At least not one that doesn't end up in a food fight.






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If that is the rudest you have seen from over there, you have not even seen the top of the tip of the end of the iceberg. That place is a cesspool.


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If that is the rudest you have seen from over there, you have not even seen the top of the tip of the end of the iceberg. That place is a cesspool.



I stay with Orange Crush and GSpot. They have a lot of great info.


The Ride Report can sometimes be wonderful.




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Maybe you should ask over there... just sayin'.



I don't think you can have a conversation like that over there.


At least not one that doesn't end up in a food fight.





Agree Whip. I don't go there very often because I go onto the forum to chillax. They are either fighting or slinging around f-bombs a bit much for my enjoyment. A shame too because I have a great interest in that type of riding. I potentially see a GS on my future.


Next time I'm in SA I'll look you up. Won't bother you by staying though. I hear the Alamo Cafe calling on occasion. Spent 11 years there. 5+ by Sea World and 5+ in Spring Branch.


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Whip, you have brought up a very good point & something I have been thinking/wondering for quite some time..


In no way do I want to open my back acreage up to camping for the general riding public (for many reasons including the reasons you mentioned)..


On the other hand I would probably enjoy having fellow BMWST or similar BMW riders camp out in my outback..


Maybe we should look into a private list on this site for fellow BMWST to share camping accommodations among fellow (registered) BMWST riders..






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Hay,,If im a registered BMWST rider,,I would expect no less then the master bed room,,Rose peddles in my pre drawn bath water and steak and eggs for breakfast :grin:

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I have never had a camper from the Anonymous book, Ive always hoped that people would show up from time to time and that my garage would be a fun place for travellers to visit and tell stories. I have also never ventured to call someone from the anonymous book.. I always imagined a cross country trip meeting like minded garage dwellers and swapping stories, making new friends and swapping a 6 pack for a tent site in an overly-romantacized vagabond sorta biker travelling way..


You all are welcome to camp in my back yard, tell lies, and drink my beer...

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Is there a bar that has to be passed on the way to your place? If so, that could be the problem.........Some folks have real difficulty getting past a bar.

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I can tell you from personal experiance that there is nothing quite like pitching your tent on a nice summer night, with out the rainfly, so you can look at the stars until you doze off in a hosts back yard. That is until at 330am when the friggin sprinklers come on!

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Whip- funny you should mention the ADV group. I just asked to be removed for good from their website. Many of the members are ignorant, obese, and uneducated. They seem to thrive on insulting everyone in between trips to the fridge for another beer.


With so many fine motorcycle forums available, why waste our time.

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Nice n Easy Rider
Whip- funny you should mention the ADV group. I just asked to be removed for good from their website. Many of the members are ignorant, obese, and uneducated. They seem to thrive on insulting everyone in between trips to the fridge for another beer.


With so many fine motorcycle forums available, why waste our time.


Any chance you might have picked up one of their habits while hanging out there? :grin:

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Whip- funny you should mention the ADV group. I just asked to be removed for good from their website. Many of the members are ignorant, obese, and uneducated. They seem to thrive on insulting everyone in between trips to the fridge for another beer.


With so many fine motorcycle forums available, why waste our time.


Any chance you might have picked up one of their habits while hanging out there? :grin:


I just deleted (before posting it) a more pointed response. Yours is just right. + 1

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Advrider: I started visiting after I got myself a R1200GS. I did not find any place that has more information available on the GS than in the forum GSpot. There is a awful lot of nonsense, but in between there are some gems. Once in a while I even post there, if I have something that might be valuable. Occasionally, when I have nothing better to do and just want to shake my head and laugh, I visit Jo Momma. I feel honored when they call my favorite group, bmwst.com, MRN. Stands for Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood :thumbsup:


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Adv forums are like visiting nursery school. Lots of crying and whining.


Visiting this site is more like post graduate work. Where else does one study drag coefficient, electrode abnormalities, or wire degradation in one site while figuring out Autocom feedback to boot? (I'm sure Whip or Ed knows) :grin:

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Maybe the word has spread about your midnight visits. :grin:






"...bREAKFAST is ready, the coffee's hot and the muffins are warm..."

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Adv forums are like visiting nursery school. Lots of crying and whining.



Odd, I see much the same here.


Marty say it ain't so!


When you coming down to Perry? We can whine over a cold one in my garage.

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Adv forums are like visiting nursery school. Lots of crying and whining.


Visiting this site is more like post graduate work. Where else does one study drag coefficient, electrode abnormalities, or wire degradation in one site while figuring out Autocom feedback to boot? (I'm sure Whip or Ed knows) :grin:


I don't agree with you. In general, it's more of a libertarian philosophy over there where the thin-skinned are driven away by appropriate (and sometimes inappropriate) community policing. There are many absolutely wonderful people over there, and I think it's a terrific site.

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skinny_tom (aka boney)

There's a high signal to noise ratio over there. You just have to be good on the fine tuning knob. In many cases it's just people posting because they can, when they actually have very little to contribute. That happens here too.


I've met a huge bunch of the locals over there. So they're a bit more rowdy. Otherwise they're pretty much just like the people I've met here- good people.


For the record, I don't have my place listed in tent space but I was in the anonymous book. Never got a call. I can't fathom not calling someone with whom I've made "reservations" if I'm not going to be there. That's rude.

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ADVrider = some fantastic ride reports + a very fun motorcycle game: Tag-O-Rama. Much of the rest of the site makes me feel somewhat "unclean." Do yourself a favor and play Tag-0-Rama.


(I can't imagine under any circumstances NOT confirming someone's invitation to stay at their home.)

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I can, and often do, loose myself in the ride reports section over there. Some of the photography is stunning. When I compare the 2 sites I think in these terms. When I want to hang out with friends and have a conversation I come here. If I just want to shoot the bull and laugh a lot I go to Jo Momma. It's like a local bar. You walk in and take your chances on who you'll meet there. It's the internet, I try to keep that in mind.

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I'm pretty much in line with David and Boney.


It's not wrong, it's just different. Accept that the folks there think differently than we do and be happy that we each have our own outlets...


Personally, I have read several great tales over there, my recent favorite being the Alaskan tour and a report by a family that rode 4 up (husband and wife each with a kid on the back) from Vancouver to the Arctic Circle.


Both of those trips really spoke to me.


And I found some fine photos over there, one of one of our guys...


and one of a place I want to go, and it's got a motorcycle in it instead just some macros of the local flora and fauna....






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You all are welcome to camp in my back yard, tell lies, and drink my beer...


There's no room for back yards in Rhode Island!! :grin:


I actually called some folks from the Anonymous Book one time when I was in need. One was flat rude but the other helped a lot...reluctantly.


There's some pretty smart (and funny) folks on ADVrider. It's just a matter of separating the wheat, etc.


Whipster, If those ADVrider guys knew what Louise looks like you'd have wall-to-wall tents in your yard!





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Doc47 wrote:

Whipster, If those ADVrider guys knew what Louise looks like you'd have wall-to-wall tents in your yard!


Nice going, Doc. Now you gonna tell us about his lottery winnings and give us his credit card info?

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