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Rossi...losing like a winner

John Ranalletta

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John Ranalletta

“If anyone is wondering about my helmet - I have the donkey on it because in Italy, if you make a stupid mistake we say that you are a donkey. I made a mistake in Indy so this is why! I think it's very funny!” said the eight time world champion. crash.net




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If Disney gets a wiff of this they are going to rain down on him with a bag of hammers



Royalty fees on top of it all...stupid mistake indeed, UGH! (it's Donkey from Shreck)

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On the back it even says "The Donkey" in the same font that he uses for "The Doctor" on his suit and bike. Hysterical.


I don't think the Disney Monster will be mad about the race helmet, but there is probably a zero percent chance that AGV releases a production model...it would have to be like 900 bucks...

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And this is why I'm a Rossi fan. (Even though my perverted wife has a crush on him!) He is great, yet humble in winning and defeat.


Great? Yes. Humble? Brilliantly so. Only someone with extreme comfidence would make fun of his unforced error, castigate himself such that the world no longer can, and set up his competition so ideally. If Lorenzo wins at Misano, he beat a Donkey. If Rossi wins, a Donkey beat Lorenzo. Vale can't lose and Jorge can't win in at World Championship mind games. Additionally, while the championship is now down to a one-error gap, Rossi has taken the focus off Lorenzo and put it back where he wants it, on himself. He doesn't want the press pumping Lorenzo up with a whole lot of "You Can Do It" type of questions. Vale's got the world laughing WITH him and, since Jorge is second in the title chase, AT Lorenzo. It's almost as good as the hex he put on Gibernau.

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I'd wear a donkey hat DAILY if it would give me 1/2 of Rossi's riding skill. It would be a win-win situation:


I'd be a better rider




My wife would say I'm finally being honest with the world!

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