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Autocom - Good customer service report


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As many of you know, Autocom is going through some growing pains getting their dealers and distributorships established here in the US. They've been bitten a bit by the fact that their products are very good, and their previous distributor here in the US and Autocom have parted ways.


A couple weeks ago, I ordered a Logic unit with an additional headset. For some reason, the order got lost. When I contacted Bryan at McGuire, he directed his staff to get the order to me in the most expedient manner. That turned out to be an overnight shipment at their own (considerable) expense.


I've connected the system, and it works perfectly.


Hats off to Bryan and his operation!!

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Will do. Sunday looks better for me. I'll give you heads up before heading over.


You won't be out running a marathon or anything like that will you?

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