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I'm working as an information desk volunteer at Dragon*Con this year. It's an, umm, "different" experience. Overall, the crowd isn't quite as odd as I expected. Perhaps the most awkward moment at the info desk today was asking a 6-foot+ Orc wearing a black leather trenchcoat and carrying some sort of large blade weapon, "Can I help you?" Random observation: some people should not be allowed to wear spandex.


If you are in or near Atlanta this labor day weekend, it's worth a look at the 30,000+ people in town for this event. Just wandering through the conference hotels may be enough; there is no way I could justify $50 a day registration (not to mention the hours of standing in line to register). Character photo shoots in front of the Centennial Ballroom at the Hyatt.


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She said: "Bite me."

I said: Regency "VI-VII"


Dragon*Con 2009 Pics


I don't know how many of you have heard the Carrie Fisher interview on Fresh Air, but there were several costumes that allowed a viewer to see "all the way to Florida."


More than 40,000 attendees this year. A sign of economic recovery?

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I've wanted to go to the parade for the last couple of years, but there's always some sort of scheduling conflict. My 3 year old boy is really into Star Wars right now, so I think he would have loved the Storm Troopers.


Last year my neighbor stayed in the convention hotel. He spent all his time sitting in the hotel bar having a beer with vampires, then Klingon warriors, then fairies, then vikings, then Orion slave dancers, then cyborgs, then... He had a great time.

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I bet this must be a busy weekend for locksmiths as parents try to get their basements back...



They might need to be very old parents. A lot of the people at Dragon*Con appeared to be in their 50's and 60's.

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They might need to be very old parents. A lot of the people at Dragon*Con appeared to be in their 50's and 60's.


They were obviously distracting their kids so the locksmith's could work...

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