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Last Day with My RT


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It seems like only yesterday when I picked up my beloved RT. OK it WAS only 4 months ago. In our short time together we have traveled many fun filled miles. Riding alone it has been fine, but add the wife, and it has been mixed at best. She has had issues with vibration from the start. While my seat is relatively smooth, she feels some buzzing from time to time. She also gets vibration through the top box into her back that is causing some issues. Her past radiation thereapy may have something to do with the back pain as well, but we can't say. And on top of all that we are both a little on the round side and find the seating to be cramped. Surprisingly we found the seat on the beemer to be almost identical in length to the one on the Hondamatic!


So after test riding a new LT and a Goldwing, we are trading the RT in tomorrow. I really hate to see it go, but keeping it around was not the most practical thing to do. Getting most of my money back out of it on the trade eases the pain.


The LT and Wing are very similar bikes, with few minor differences overall. Most of those differences were a wash in our decision making, while one did make a difference, seating. The LT has a shorter length seat, only slightly better than the RT. The Wing just flat out has some room. Plus the wife liked the pillion backrest much better. So, having said that, we will pick up our new '08 Goldwing tomorrow.


Owning a Wing is going to take some getting used to. We will not be buying tons of chrome, or stuffed animals, so we may never fit the mold. But the damn thing handles good for a big bike (probably on par with the RT), runs like stink, and gets no worse gas mileage than the RT. Most of all, we fit comfortably on it, and should be able to rack up some serious miles.


I'm going to miss the BMW, but I suspect I will not have any regrets.


Now excuse me wile we go get our hair permed, put on matching satin jackets, and find some gold chains for me. No, no, that's just a stereotype and,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hey is that a pinky ring? :eek:

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Enjoy your Wing..For two up touring it can't be beat.. :thumbsup:


But when touring, without the issue of reliability in the back of your mind, what are you going to worry about... :S

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John, Northeast Florida

Seems you have gotten past the negative (perceived) image of the typical GW rider and it didn't affect your decision. Well, who is indeed so brash to consider 'roominess' as a reason for owning a cycle? I will take you to task on your assertion that a Wing handles as well as an RT, but hey, that depends upon your riding style and skill. Now what the heck do all of those toggle switches do? .

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I will take you to task on your assertion that a Wing handles as well as an RT, but hey, that depends upon your riding style and skill.


Yes, let me qualify my statement. I can tell little difference in handling, based on my abilities, self imposed limits, and short test ride. I will know more by tomorrow evening as I travel some favorite roads, and test the handling further. It is half again as heavy as the BMW, but it really does feel light once underway. Defintely not the '81 Wing I had in '81, this one feels much better.

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Hey, it's still 2 wheels and some of the friendliest folks I've run into are on Gold Wings. Their one model that you can almost always count on waving back when you pass each other.


Honestly, at some point it's not about performance, it's abotu enjoying the ride... and a Goldwing is defintiely a luxury ride. I could see myself on one some day. For now, my wife still prefers a more sporty mount and finds the RT plenty comfortable.


As for performance, I suspect they are both similar up to around 7/10ths pace. Once there, the wing is at it's limit while the RT has some room left.

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But when touring, without the issue of reliability in the back of your mind, what are you going to worry about... :S


Turns out there have been quite a few transmission failures on the 1800's, so I should feel right at home. ;)

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and gets no worse gas mileage than the RT


good luck with your new bike but if you expect the same mileage as your RT, you're going to be sorely disappointed. Know a few people with newer Wing's and all report pretty dismal mileage IF you push it a bit. A guy I work with reports that all day riding at 70mph yields mileage in the high 20's. If he drops down to 55, the mileage is closer to 35.


In contrast I did a MI to UT trip last summer on my 1150RT with several 80mph+ days on the freeway getting to and coming back. About the worst mileage I got was 47, with highs of 56.


Just thought you'd want to know.



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My RT averages 40 - 42 off the speedometer, which I know is off, so the actual number is lower. A friend of mine runs mid to upper 30's on his late model Wing. Around here most of our riding is on state highways, with very little higher speed Interstates. The old Hondamatic only gets 33 on a good day, so I'm still ahead of it.

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The BMW speedometer is indeed optimistic, but the odometer is as accurate as most bikes.



Not sure that's correct, at least not according to my GPS.

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The BMW speedometer is indeed optimistic, but the odometer is as accurate as most bikes.



I've checked mine against the GPS, and the mile marker signs. It's off, right along with the speedometer. At a true 55-60 it will indcate +5 mph.



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I'm failing to understand: How can the odometer be off by nn mph?


Are you saying that the odometer will read elapsed distance of 1.1 miles, when your GPS indicates you've traveled 1.0 miles? (10% error on the high side)

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I'm failing to understand: How can the odometer be off by nn mph?


Are you saying that the odometer will read elapsed distance of 1.1 miles, when your GPS indicates you've traveled 1.0 miles? (10% error on the high side)


Yes, that is what I am saying. If I run a GPS indicated 60 mph for one minute, the odo will read more than the actual mile covered. About .1 over. All while the speedo needle sets right at 65 MPH. The odo will read more than the GPS odo and the mile marker signs. I've checked on short jaunts as well as long ones, and it is consistently off the same amount.

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OK. I have read in other places (when people were concerned about the speedometer error) that the odometer is reasonably accurate, as it relates to mileage-based warrantees.

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I ride all winter in Arizona with a couple of guys that have 1800GW and they DONOT get the MPG that we get with the 1200RT.I think you will be in the high 20's to low 30's. Let us know.



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My RT is the 1100, which does not get the mileage the 1200's get. But I will let everyone know what the Wing gets. The folks on GL1800Riders.com report 35-45, averaging 40 depending upon load, speed, etc. Based on that, I'm not expecting much difference.

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The GoldWing? Oh Yes, that's our mid-model....right between the Civic and the Accord, but the dash is more like the Accord...would you like the ash tray option with that?


Pulling your chain. Happy riding with the new vehicle.

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Riding alone it has been fine, but add the wife, and it has been mixed at best. She has had issues with vibration from the start. While my seat is relatively smooth, she feels some buzzing from time to time. She also gets vibration through the top box into her back that is causing some issues. Her past radiation thereapy may have something to do with the back pain as well, but we can't say. And on top of all that we are both a little on the round side and find the seating to be cramped. Surprisingly we found the seat on the beemer to be almost identical in length to the one on the Hondamatic!



The backrest on the GW scoops away from the passenger as it rises, so it probably isn't in contact with her back. Lucky to be able to ride together, enjoy your new bike.

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Keep us posted, I have considered getting one myself for the same reasons you did. My wife HATES the back of the RT, I know that it has alot to do with the stock seat and its forward tilt, but coming to it off the back of a Harley Ultra does not help either. Stick around the majority of us don't give a rip what you are riding anyway.

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We can soon establish our own club "EXRTS"

Oh by the way, I traded my RT yesterday to a -07 GL1800.

So I will turn my riding behaviour to legally inspired relaxed cruising with HER instead of lunatic racing in the twisties with fantastic RT.


I´m pretty shure that SHE´s been feeding me with some special vitamins to turn my head about eight rounds left to buy The Wing.

I dont fit in Wing stereotype at all. No chrome, no lights, no gold chains and I prefer riding on my own.

How would Wing look painted in camouflage? Might fit my genuine leather hairdo...

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550 miles later.....


Wow! The Wing is what we were looking for, as it is filling our expectations and needs for two up riding. And so far, other than riding it from my driveway, to the corner and back, (about 300 feet) I have not ridden it solo yet. We have been two up from the get go, including the 20 mile test ride we did a couple weeks ago.


One thing that could be better, the suspension seems a little stiff, even at the lowest setting. It does not have that plush BMW ride. Two cures for that, wait for the new springs to soften up, or load it down with luggage and go somewhere.


The gas mileage IS on par with the R1100RT. 40.1 and 40.8 on the first two tanks. Two up, some Interstate at 80 mph, lots of two lane at 60-65, a couple of WOT passes up to triple digits, and a fair amount of in town stop and go. The best the RT would do was 39-40 in similar conditions. Would better mileage make me happier? Sure it would, but it's still 10 better than the old Hondamatic, so I can live with it.


Had it on some twisties, and managed to feel the sole of my boot touch down a couple times. I wasn't hooning it up, but I wasn't going easy either. It is more stable in dirty air when following trucks and such, but then again it's half again the weight of the BMW.


I am truly glad I had the time on the RT, because it gave me a better perspective on the Wing. As the RT felt leaps and bounds better that the Hondamatic, the Wing has a similar feel over the RT. The more we rode yesterday, the more convinced we had made the right move for the riding we want to do.


I'll definitely be sticking around here. I have learned more about better riding and being prepared the past few years, than I would have imagined thanks to all of you on this sight. This will always be a favorite.

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Thanks Dave for an honest review. I won't let myself ride a Gold Wing. I am afraid I won't settle for anything less after the ride! The stereotypes of them being a pig sure don't come from those that actually ride them. Since I bought the Wee Strom I have visions of using it as the all around bike and a Wing for long trips and two up. Please give us an update after a couple weeks.

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Thanks Dave for an honest review. I won't let myself ride a Gold Wing. I am afraid I won't settle for anything less after the ride! The stereotypes of them being a pig sure don't come from those that actually ride them. Since I bought the Wee Strom I have visions of using it as the all around bike and a Wing for long trips and two up. Please give us an update after a couple weeks.


Exactly what I do. '03 GL1800A for long trips and the occasional two-up, '06 Wee Strom for everything else (but especially dirt roads). BTW, my real-world mileage on the Wing is 38-42... on regular.

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Interesting that so many have pillion riders that like the GW, and my experience was different. In 2007 we took an new Wing for a 40 minute test ride, and my lady told me that she didn't like the backrest because of the shape, and it made the ride uncomfortable.

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First impression after couple hundres miles - goes like a tank, sparks flying in twisties, no wallowing nor wobble. Suspension is crap compared to RT original, something not to mention compared to Öhlins. Its stiff, stiffer or rock solid, front is just solid.

Terrible buffeting from windscreen when you can see over it, less if you try see through it - either way cold drag causing painful stiff neck.

Absolutely beautiful engine, power flows from a electric turbine. Dont care which gear nor rpm, allways GO. WOT in first/second is ruining exhaust pipes against asfalt.

Medication works, I fly 30% lower altitudes in twisties which means "legal" +20% speeds (at least I can keep my license (and life))

Great bike which I have overlooked for no reason as a sofa express. Few things to fix still, but it´ll get great.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1100+ miles now and no regrets. Yes, the suspension is stiff, but I am suspecting it will soften as the springs cycle. If not, there are fixes. Riding solo feels no different than riding two up. To re-phrase that, two up has no major effect, and it handles just as well as when solo. It does not corner as fast as the RT, but it does just fine for a beast of it's size. I just knock off a few mph to compensate. On my favorite 180 degree, decreasing radius off ramp, I now come out of the turn at 50 instead of 55.


Worst fuel mileage was 38 even, best was 41.8. No, I have not been flogging it yet, as there is no real need to. It will run harder at half throttle than most bikes will at full. Although there has been more than one full throttle pass. No need to downshift, just roll into it, and let it eat!


The seat is wonderful, no need to replace it. It has great support under all of me, so the load is distributed evenly. And no more cussing that damn ABS light either. That was starting to get on my nerves.


Best of all, the whining from the rear (pillion position) has been eliminated. She has already been napping back there and missing the scenery.

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Hey, Dave:


Congrats on your new purchase! Believe me, you'll love the GL1800.


I've been a member here since early '04 when I bought a new R1150RT. I loved it. Last year I traded it for a new GL1800A, and I didn't make any 'announcement' on this forum. I continue to lurk here since this is a fine community.


There will be a couple of things you will find about the GL vs. your RT. First you'll love the saddle. (At least I do.) I know saddles are a very personal thing, but the GL has the most comfortable saddle of any bike I've ever owned (including R1150RT, ST1300A, ST1100A.) I can ride 8 or 10 hours on the GL without even thinking about the saddle. In fact, the GL is more comfortable seat-wise than the older Mercedes E430 sedan I drive.


Second, I find the GL1800A easier to maneuver at slow speeds than the R1150RT. Despite being an 897 lb. bike fully fueled, it has a lower centre of gravity and a lower saddle than the R1150RT.


I keep tabs of my fuel consumption and in my experience, the GL1800 never gets as good mileage as my RT did. In absolute numbers, the GL gets slightly lower mileage, but it uses regular fuel instead of premium. At 120 kph, the GL gets a solid 50 mpg (Imperial gal.) That's been confirmed by various Canadian GL owners I talk to, whether they're riding solo or 2-up.


Somebody mentioned buffeting if you look over the windshield. I'm short, 5'8", and cut down the windshield 3/4" so I could see over it. There's certainly SOME buffeting; it's certainly not as good as the RT's adjustable screen, but I can live with it.


The GL's handling is phenomenal given it's size and weight. I was an ST1100A owner when the GL1800 was introduced in '01. There were numerous ST1100 owners who moved over to the GL1800, and the consensus was the new GL handled ALMOST as well as the ST1100. That may have been a slightly over-enthusiastic evaluation, but the GL handles superbly. It doesn't handle as well as the RT, though, but then they're different class bikes, right? And the Wing's suspension is not as sophisticated as BMW's. On rough corners, the BMW just eats up the bumps; on the GL, you have to slow down.


My biggest criticism of the GL1800A is that Honda doesn't trust the capabilities of Wing riders, so MotherCorp installs a safety over-ride that prevents the in-dash expresso machine from operating at speeds above 100 kph. :)


As you can see, there are a few other folks who've made the transition from BMW to GL1800. Last year at the national rally in Gillette, WY, I was talking to an elderly rider with a Wing. He said he's been a BMW owner and attending the nationals for more than twenty years and said he's seen a huge increase in the number of Wings attending the natioal rally. He said that the Wing riders consistently say they switched to the Wing mostly because they wanted the lower maintenance costs.


Don't get me wrong. I still love BMWs and will more likely than not own another one some time. But right now, I'm really enjoying the Wing. (Anybody up for a 'pie run'?) :)


Enjoy your new ride. You'll love it.


Cheers from Edmonton, Alberta.



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I didn't get the expresso machine. Since I'm not a coffee drinker, I went with the pizza oven instead. :grin:


I'm 5'11 and have the windshield raised up to about the third notch. I just look over it and find minimal buffeting. With my face shield raised up, it is relatively quiet too. On the RT I had to wear earplugs all the time, it was so damn noisey with air coming off the windshield, regardless of position. But of course you sit further away on the Wing, so that comes into play as well. The wife and I worked hard finding a compromise position for the windshield that we both could live with. The vent is a lifesaver IMHO. She get good protection on the rear, while the vent lets me have good air in front.


As much as I hated to see the RT go, I have no regrets. The Wing just keeps getting better and better.

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Good luck with your new bike. If your wife is happy in the saddle she will want to ride more. If she rides more you get to ride more. I believe you when you say the GW handles better then your RT. I just traded in me RT for an LT. The LT handles at least 20% better right out of the box. The lT is better balanced, the front doesn't dive during braking, and it feels lighter. Plus it has the electric centerstand which is about the coolest thing I've ever seen. When the guys gathered around at work to see the new bike and I showed them the center stand. One guy says "Do that again".

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