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Oil consumption


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I purchased a used 04 r1150rt it has 21000 on it love the bike. I put synthetic oil in it when I changed it, I filled it so the oil is 3/4 to the top of site glass and put 500 miles on it and now its at the bulls eye, I check it the correct way, is this to much oil used? or should I not worry so much? Will it burn alot if its a little to full? Clint.

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That's plenty of oil, many of us operate on the principal that if you can see oil when the bike is on the side stand (yes, side) there is enough. The boxer is notorious for being unpredictable in the amount of oil it chooses to show its owner.

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I see thanks killer, I have found it to be be at different levels at times,but I guess my concern is the bike using alot of oil down 1/4 on site glass with 500 miles or like you say is it hiding, just worried I might of got a oil user.

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I check it the correct way


Could you be more specific? There are at least 4 or 5 "correct" ways. Some are "more correct" than others....



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Hi Stan, I like to ride the bike make sure its warmed up fully and put the bike in the garage on the same level spot on the center stand and check the site glass the next day.

I have the bike on the side stand for a short time before I open the garage door and push it in then it goes on the center stand.

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From top to bottom the glass is about a pint (16 oz) so you used 4 oz in 500 miles.......Or a quart in 4000. That is if you actually used it.....And you will use more when the level is on the high side. When I put 3.75 quarts in mine, it starts about where yours did......And drops to the middle of the glass quickly. Then it stays there, often until it is time to change it again. So it sounds like your motor is happily run in........Ride, ride, ride. Good Luck!

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I have the bike on the side stand for a short time


Hopefully long enough for the oil cooler to drain (5 min or so).


check the site glass the next day


I prefer to check mine while it's still hot, (another minute or so). The apparent level will be lower with cold oil.


The good news (for me) is that (my two) RT's don't use much oil and only rarely get checked. As others have pointed out, if you can see oil, you have enough.



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I have a 2003 R1150RT with almost 12,000miles.....On my next change I want to go to Synthetic Oil.....Has anyone used Castrol Syntec 20w50? If that is not a good choice what brand do you recommend?

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...and check the site glass the next day.


BMW recommends checking it while warm (to prevent overfilling). It will drop a fair bit when cooled. I think mine will drop about 1/4 inch as it cools.

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my 2004 is just about at 12,000 mi. oil consumption starting to dimish so with the last change at 10k i've kept track of usage. after 1900 mi i've added less than 8oz. extrapolated this equates to half a quart over 4k miles and appears to be much less than the past. still using dino oil and will for probably one more change then go to full syn.


as previously discussed i go thru the same procedure in checking the oil.

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On the centerstand, on a level surface and about 10 minutes after coming back from a ride is how I check it.


Back when I needed to top up, that is also when I did it...when the engine and oil was warm. The difference between a cold and warm reading is about 3/16" to 1/4" on the sight glass. Fill it to the top of the sight glass when cold and it is overfilled when warm. 3.75 liters (measured) takes it to within 3/16" of the top of the red circle when cold, and to the top when warm.


Just things I've consistently noticed.


My 2003 GS Adventure stopped using oil at just under 10,000 miles.


My 2004 GS Adventure never used any oil after the 600 mile inspection and before that, oil consumption wasn't worth talking about either.

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