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CT Foliage Ride


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60 members have voted

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Rich (Woodie) and I were reminiscing the other day about last year's ride into the Adirondacks organized by Gerard (BMWPhreak). We decided we're due for another. It doesn't need to be the same destination or route or anything for that matter. Just the same spirit. We were thinking maybe a ride up to southern Vermont via the Berkshires. Anyway, the lines are open. Let the discussion begin. I'm attempting a poll here too so please select up to two dates are best for you.

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Weekend after CIC and if that is a is wash out, the following weekend. With all of the rain, the great dry weather we are experiencing now, the colors should be the best in the last twenty years or more! The apple crop is to be the best ever! Southern VT and Berks are great Ideas. I love Rt 2 and the Hairpin turn in Adams. Bennington Has a ton of moose loose on their streets. Rt 9 going east over the mountain has nice fresh pavement. I love the fall!



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My bike is being restored out in Los Angeles, nonetheless, I don't know when the mechanic will get to it and get it done. I do hope I have it back before this ride takes place as I would love to join the fun. Therefore, I voted for the last 2 weekends available.

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Well, seeing that Sept 24/25th are Thurs/Fri, I vote for Saturday, 9/26, in addition to the two I picked out. (10/3 and 10/25)


It will be neat to meet up with you guys some day when we're NOT working on our bikes!



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I told Paul about this ride early today. He say's he's in too. He hasn't been able to check the board since returning from the UN and his vacation in ME just a couple short weeks ago. Perhaps he's still working on emptying the tanks on his camper...

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A fall ride sounds great! I need a couple of days to check on Sept. 24 and 25. Oct 3,4,10 and 11 are definitely out for Georgi and me, as we have a wedding to attend and a trip to Napa. I'll cast my vote Sunday or Monday.

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Sunrise foliage affair I assume? :rofl: Sounds like a plan. I'll be patiently lurking to find out rendezvous location. Voted for last two days but can make any date work.

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Hi Everyone,


Yes... I am "IN".


If no one is opposed... I'm about all planned out for the year so just tell me where and when and save me a place near the back of the line. :grin:


Looking forward to seeing everyone.




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I can join you any of the dates other than oct 10-11. Let me know what you decide. If its on a sat or sun my good friend will join us on his 1200. I look forward to seeing you all.


Long Island, NY



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Why don't you folks take your ride and end up at the Yankee Beemers "Whacky Hat Rally" in Taconic NY..........Perfect!





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I still need to confirm a couple of things, but the 10/25 is looking good with a rain date of 11/1.


If no one else wants to take the bull by the horns I'll plan a route. But I'd appreciate some input. My initial thoughts are to leave from Dunkin Donuts in Wallingford around 7am. From there, cross up into the NW hills toward Litchfield and New Canaan. Then take route 7 to Bennington, VT for lunch at the Blue Benn diner.


I'm looking for some hidden gems to break off Route 7 on the way up. On the way back we could head back down Route 7 and then take Route 2 west in to New York or east for more western MA routes. Any input?

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If you are doing that route, I can meet you guys in Bennington. A 7am start from Wallingford would make me a target for deer that early in the am from Troy if I meet you there.




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the 10/25 is looking good with a rain date of 11/1.


leave from Dunkin Donuts in Wallingford around 7am. From there, cross up into the NW hills toward Litchfield and New Canaan. Then take route 7 to Bennington, VT for lunch at the Blue Benn diner.


Almost Two hours from NYC to Wallingford, Yeap shaping up to yet another sunrise adventure :dopeslap:

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Could we add another meeting point, maybe someplace near Cliff's? It'd be a lot easier for me to meet you there at 8 than Wallingford at 7. Might work better for others in NY/western CT as well. This is assuming the route BMWPhreak posted.



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I'm actually thinking of keeping Wallingford because it's so central in the state and then making another meeting spot in either Litchfield or New Canaan an hour or so later.

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I can join you all on any sat or sun except for the weekend of Oct 10. Looking forward to seeing some of the people I met at UN. It was a great rally. Ill be coming up from Long Island via the Whitestone Bridge or Port Jeffefson/Bridgeport Ferry if anyone wants to hook up en route.I can even take the New London Ferry which will give me a chance to check out Mohegan Sun.

Hope this works out.


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Sounds like a good ride to me. Which ever day you guys decide, i'll try to make it. I'll be heading back toward Boston so i might have to continue on RT 2 straight back depending on the time. For me i think the earlier dates would be better just because i would have more daylight to get back home, but it doesn't really matter. I could be at the meeting spot by 7:00.


Brian Anderson

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