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A special thanks to our Bretheren riders in the northeast!


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I want to personally thank those in the northeast for sending that wonderful cold air mass down to us in the southeast today! :grin::clap:


It was a wonderful 57 degrees this morning when I left the house in my mesh gear. It made it just a great morning to ride in. The mist in the fields off of I-85 as the sun rose made it just a perfect Carolina morning. Many thanks!




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No kiddin man......It's been like that for us all week. 40's - 70's. I wasn't dressed for it Tuesday morning. I left the house in my mesh and thought it was a little chilly. About 10 miles from my house I passed a bank and the sign said 46 :eek:. I then proceeded to shiver my keister off for the remaining 45 min to work. The rest of the week I've dressed for it and the afternoons have been amazing.

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Gogeous here as well ... hope to get some riding in this weekend ... oh, that reminds me, gotta get to the DMV and get my tags renewed!


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We have curves to go with our nice weather too. :wave:



Remind me of that in January when you're sitting on the bike making motor noises! P, U, T, Z!!! :rofl:

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We have curves to go with our nice weather too. :wave:



Remind me of that in January when you're sitting on the bike making motor noises! P, U, T, Z!!! :rofl:




Prolly Dec/Feb/Mar too...

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