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Does anyone know whats up with Autocom?


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Was trying to purchase some Autocom stuff and seems they are changing distibutors?I dont know when they are going to be up and

going but it sure looks fishy?

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Nothing fishy; they've severed their relationship with their previous US distributor (Top Gear, I think it was). They are in the process of establishing six regional distributors, none of whom will sell directly to the public. It will be Autocom retailers only who will sell the gear. Check out Autocom's UK website and look under the "News" tab for some info. The head of Autocom (Tom) posts on this board fairly frequently and has explained company plans a number of times. He was also at the MOA rally in Tennessee in July. I got a chance to speak to him there, so I can indeed confirm that he is alive and well.


Here's what it says in part on the UK website:


"The six US distributors will not be retailing the products directly to consumers, as their focus is to provide first class training, supply and support to their local dealers, who will provide local supply and support for our customers. Customers with old pre-2009 products will be able to obtain old accessories and service directly via the USA website, plus there will be a US based technical support team. In the short term please contact mcguiredistribution@gmail.com (866) 951 5550 for USA supply and support."


I have no connection whatsoever with the company. I do, however, have an Autocom installed on my bike.

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I wasn't aware that the plan was for distributors not to sell to the public. Recently I was able to purchase Autocom parts from McGuire by calling the number provided on the UK web site. Totally satisfactory service. They are physically located just a few miles from Top Gear in Troy, NY.

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Was trying to purchase some Autocom stuff and seems they are changing distibutors?I dont know when they are going to be up and

going but it sure looks fishy?


Look at this thread for more information. Tom Behman, owner and CEO of Autocom goes into some detail on the rational and setup of the new arrangements (about post 12 I think)



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Motorcycle R&R here in SLC tells me that they are a full service Autocom dealer, in touch with their new service rep since December, and fully up to speed. Of course the last time I recommended them to someone I don't think they had the part he wanted any more than anyone else.


I haven't used them for Autocom because we use a different system, but they are generally well thought of as an independent BMW specialty shop here in the SLC market. Jeff is usually very knowledgeable about his product lines.

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