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Riding Suit - Need Vector


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Recently purchased a Teiz Motorsports one piece suit. While I was quite happy with the fit and quality, especially for the money, I have decided it is not the final solution. The one piece is kind of a pain and I hate the spaceman looks I get when I am wearing it off the bike - like running into Target or even in and out from the parking lot at work.


So now I am looking at two piece suits. I want something I can wear regularly as I truly want to pratice ATGATT. I like the looks of the Olympia and I like the Aerostich two piece, although it is a bit pricey.


You guys have been quite handy helping me spend what little money I have. I am looking for personal experience based feedback on any suit you would, or would not, recommend.


I live in mid GA and typically ride in the 50 - 95 degree range. Would strongly prefer one suit that I could layer. Ideally I would prefer something I could wear over my work clothes (flightsuit) but am flexible to considering any and all ideas. Several of the offerings I have seen feature layering to take you from hot to moderate cold. When it is really cold I'm a whimp and I don't ride. I rarely see less than 50 and basically never see less than 35-40.


Because of you evil guys my new biggest fear in life is that I'll die and my wife will sell my bikes and gear for what she thinks I paid for them!

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One of the things you need to decide is whether or not you are willing to put a rain liner in during bad weather. If so, the BMW gear is great but a PITA, especially with the pants. Other than that, the Olympia, or Belstaf stuff is pretty good also but although waterproof, is not as good in hot weather.

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Several years and about 100,000 miles ago I purchased my Stich Darien jacket & pants. I've not looked back yet. With the collar open along with the vents, it's like a wind tunnel inside the jacket while moving. Pants get hot due to a lack of ventilation. I have never gotten wet nor have I had to stop, take off, insert liner and them redress in my gear. Nothing more than a change of gloves and zipping up my collar (the latter can be done while under way). Liner works when temps cool and my heated vest for when it gets even colder.


Only you can decide but I've been entirely satisfied and would do it all over again.

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I've got Olympia mesh stuff and it works well. With the liners in, it's good down to the 40's or better with good under layering. I'd recommend an external rainsuit for warmer weather to avoid the insulation of the Olympia liners.



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Take a look at the Motoport website. The mesh is as cool in hot weather as you are likely to find. The protection is excellent and they do have hi viz color.


I commute 70 mile per day, and wear the Motoport jacket all summer. I wear a suit and tie daily. With the liner in it will work well down into the 30's or 40's. In Michigan, so the mid to high 90's can be experienced.


I also own a Darrien which I wear at the start and end of season, not as much protection but it is comfortable and with a heated liner, can go down to the low 20's. Although I don't ride if ice etc. is on the streets.


Darrien is not as form fitted as the Roadcrafter from my obseravation.


Just my experience.


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