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Trial version of Streets & Trips 2010


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Plagarizing from Curt Gran on the LDRiders list, there's a 60 day trial version of Streets & Trips 2010 available for download here:




The required registration seems to be broken right now - the way to make it work seems to be to go to www.live.com, login there with a Hotmail or .Net Passport ID, then go to the download site.








The big news is that this version reads and writes .GPX files, which is a mostly universal, open format and can be read and written by MapSource, and that this version may talk directly to your GPS.


S&T is something of a favorite with the IB crowd because it's got a quick and easy interface for putting together complex routes, but it needed external utilities to actually get the routes to a GPS.


I have not yet tried it, it's a 1.3 GB download and I have an hour to go.

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I hope they have added some road fixes. There's well established roads in my area it won't even recognize as through roads, at least in my 2005 version. I've sent errors on to MS so hopefully they are fixed in newer versions.

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