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How to measure partial route in City Navigator?


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A friend sent me a gdb file with two routes to/from Torrey. He's a maniac, goes all the way to Moab from Austin in a day. I'm a different sort of maniac, and want to measure just part of his route, but can't figure out how to do so. I'm hoping to avoid recreating just a section of it.



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Hi Mark,

Do you mean you're opening it in Mapsource? If so you can right click the route name and go to its "Route properties". If you then click the "Directions" tab you'll get a listing of each location on the route along with columns for things like "leg length", "total time", etc.. If you don't see the columns you want to can right click in any of the column headers to toggle more of them on.

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Ah, that's partially helpful, Albert. I still would have to add up all the legs to get the distance I want; better than doing it all over again, though.



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At least in my version of Mapsource there is an icon, looks like a small ruler, distance and bearing tool, that could be used to trace the portion of the route you want the information on.


I have not used it so I can't tell how close the answer will be, most likely depends on how accurately you follow the route.

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There is a distance column in the route properties page. Subtract the distance of the starting point from the distance of the ending point and you have the sub-route distance. You don't have to add leg distances.

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There is a distance column in the route properties page. Subtract the distance of the starting point from the distance of the ending point and you have the sub-route distance. You don't have to add leg distances.


Exactly, if you don't see that column, try right clicking (on any of the displayed columns) and check the one marked "Distance". This will give you cumulative distance along the route.

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You're all correct, of course, I didn't look closely enough when Albert gave me the proper answer the first time. I thought I was looking at leg lengths, not total distance to that point.


At times like this, I always like to quote the Texas murderer who when, strapped to the table, was asked if he had any last words. He looked at the victim's family and said "My bad."


Limecreek, the maniac who can ride all the way to Moab in a day, suggested adding a new waypoint to a particular spot where we want to stop for the night; then we can subtract that home-to-there leg from the total distance. Limecreek's an interesting guy: his AVERAGE speed to Moab in Mapsource is more than 76mph. I dunno about y'all, but I'd have to ride at over 120mph to average that, what with all the pee stops and meals, and whatnot. But then, he's an Ironbutt member. Me, personally, I'm a Tinfoilbutt member.


Thanks, all, I think I've got it now.

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Sorry Mark, I'd say 2 up from Texas to West Virginia in 100+ temps qualifies your butt for something a little higher on the periodic chart than tinfoil. :grin: Have fun in Torrey. We sure enjoyed it.

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Please indulge me with another question: The route my bud sent me is a long, very long, loop to/from Austin to Utah. I want to 'snip' a portion of his route (from near Moab back to Austin) and save it as a new route. Can that be done? How?


Can you believe I have actually read the Help stuff?


Again, TIA.

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To snip a portion of a saved route. First load the route and then use the route properties "via points" tab. You can highlight a start, end, or via point and then you can delete it. Just remove the points you don't want. Then do a "save as" to save the new route and file. That should do it.

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