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City Navigator on a Netbook?


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Do you mean load Mapsource on a netbook with a City Navigator mapset? I've loaded Mapsource along with City Select maps onto my Acer Aspire One netbook and it works just fine.

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MapSource works fine, Streets & Trips works fine on my eee 900. Because it only has a 8 GB SSD main drive, I installed both programs to a 8 GB SDHC card. They both put the program files on the main drive, but will put their map files on the secondary drive, and that's about 4 GB of space.

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MapSource works fine, Streets & Trips works fine on my eee 900. Because it only has a 8 GB SSD main drive, I installed both programs to a 8 GB SDHC card. They both put the program files on the main drive, but will put their map files on the secondary drive, and that's about 4 GB of space.

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