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After trying meny things


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My Surgeon preformed a L4-5 Laminectomy this last Friday morning.

According to the pictures and his trained eye, it seems to have gone well.

The hard part is up to me now. the recoverery time is short compared to what Phil will be doing ,but just as critical. Nothing for thirty days except walking and some leg exersizes.

Hard to imagion not riding the bike for a week.....let alone for 30 days or more

Its going to give me time to reflect,


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Congrats on coming through the surgery and best of luck with the rehab... I think you will find that time passes very quickly, it just seems slow at first...


Regards -


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Uh, WOW!


Glad everything went well. Walking and being as active as I can be since is making all the difference in the world as to how I feel and how my recovery is going. Don't overdue it but do what you can. For me, getting off the meds is paramount. Not there yet but making strides in baby steps every day.


Baker seems to be quite a trend setter on neck surgery of late. Perhaps we need to create a ride around us titanium neck bling BMW philes?


Keep well my friend. The leftover energy I have a d jamie's and my thoughts are with you.


I've learned quickly that you will have good and bad days. Just roll with them as the bad ones will become fewer and farther in between with time.

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Bill, I've seen many L4-5 Lamys. You'll feel like a new man. Take it easy, do what the PT and Dr. say. So how do you like the corset? Sliming profile. Rest my good friend. Rest.

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Congrats Bill. You will be a new man if you follow DR's orders and do your therapy.


Then you will be able to ride as much as you want.



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Careful with the post-surgical activity. The surgical disomfort is going to go away fast (mine was very tolerable after 5 days) and it becomes very easy to do things you aren't supposed to do without thinking about it. I'm not sure yet whether I re-herniated my l3-l4 disk or not over the weekend, but I fear that I have - not to the point of sciatic nerve pressure/pain in my leg, but I've got discomfort in my back that I don't think is surgical in nature (and I'm 10 days out from surgery). I'm VERY bummed about it. And all I did was bend over to pick a remote control up (and similar motions and lightweight lifts). It can be hard to remember to squat to reach the floor once the pain is gone. If, unlike me, you've got anyone around to help you out, don't be afraid to ask them to do absolutely everything. I'm forced to fend for myself, so there's really no way to avoid some amount of lifting without starving myself and my dogs to death.

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First time in years that time is meaninless... eat sleep wake, with no timetable.... my dog is going nuts cus I'm doing NOTHING.


thanks everyone for the support and good thoughts.



sgendler, thanks for the advise. Its hard to remember not to do simble movements in everyday life.


Its amazing to me how common this procedure has become.

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If you don't have some sort of operation...taking something out, putting something in, or changing something already in there - you ain't ch!t.


Who started this whole mess with the operations anyway..?


Les'see - Mama Hoon had a wrist thingie, David had the titanium dealie, of course Phillipe', and now YOU, Bill.??!?


Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang...I hope my number ain't up yet...freekin' wild.!!??>!!

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If you don't have some sort of operation...taking something out, putting something in, or changing something already in there - you ain't ch!t.


Who started this whole mess with the operations anyway..?


Les'see - Mama Hoon had a wrist thingie, David had the titanium dealie, of course Phillipe', and now YOU, Bill.??!?


Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang...I hope my number ain't up yet...freekin' wild.!!??>!!


You missed a couple.......I gave up a gland, mama hoon gave up a small pesky organ, Whip wercked his ankle, Phillliiieeeee, AKA, hubbers followed his buds step since he can't be outdone and too wrecked an ankle! Richard had an adventure with the C. And bakersdozen has been sockless for years! Did I miss anyone?

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By the way my dear friend, I am praying for your recovery! I hope you get the results expected!
+1! :thumbsup:


You'll be on the road again soon enough, I'm sure. We can wait--just be sure to heal well and completely. We'll see if we can keep up the amusing and sometimes informative banter here to pass your hours of convalescence comfortably--it worked for me many years ago. :grin:


Same goes to you, Sammy, Phil and all the rest of you "old folks"! :eek::wave:

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I had the surgery in 1989. Within 3 months I was back at the gym with no restrictions. In fact I was encouraged by the PT's to do things I thought I would never do again - mostly heavy weight lifting. I recently finished a 2000 mile road trip on the RT where I did a 700 mile day and two 500 mile days with no ill effects.


Modern diagnostic tools tell the surgeon exactly where to go and the end result is usually very excellent.



Hoping for a speedy recovery.


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By the way my dear friend, I am praying for your recovery! I hope you get the results expected!
+1! :thumbsup:


You'll be on the road again soon enough, I'm sure. We can wait--just be sure to heal well and completely. We'll see if we can keep up the amusing and sometimes informative banter here to pass your hours of convalescence comfortably--it worked for me many years ago. :grin:


Same goes to you, Sammy, Phil and all the rest of you "old folks"! :eek::wave:



"OLD FOLKS" ... Yeah, well, I guess today I feel I resemble that.To go 59 years with superhuman powers,than cut down in the prime....yada yada yada.

I really never expected to reach 40 alive, so the ol' saying "If i had known I was going to live this long, I'd taken better care of myself" speaks volums

Interesting , on a motorcycle DB, people here feel comfortable talking about issues such as this.

I'm going to have to find a comfortable position to use this laptop other than in 90 degress sitting position.


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Hard to imagion not riding the bike for a week.....let alone for 30 days or more

Its going to give me time to reflect,


Well, would it help to make vrummmm noises & twist your extended right wrist wiliest sitting on the pot?



I don't want to know the answer :P



Well well, proper & fast Bill.

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Hard to imagion not riding the bike for a week.....let alone for 30 days or more

Its going to give me time to reflect,


Well, would it help to make vrummmm noises & twist your extended right wrist wiliest sitting on the pot?



I don't want to know the answer :

Well well, proper & fast Bill.







I always use air freshiner while engine braking

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Speedy and pain free healing my friend! The moth will be over before you know it and you'll be riding in no time!!!!

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I always use air freshiner while engine braking




May you continue on your fast recovery... but don't over do it... after all... you can strain while engine braking too...


Regards -


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Tank, I had no idea that you were laminated. Good luck on the delamination and recovery; I am looking forward to seeing the new you at some time in the future.

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One thing that has come of this I find interesting... I have not had a cup of coffee since the day before the surgery.

Not that I am a coffee hound, but I enjoyed 2 and a half cups early AM( 5-ish) for guite a while, ya know, good ground, single filter drip, hot water, black.... yum.

Uh, I know it hasn't been long, but i haven't missed it at all. I've tossed the idea around with myself to do this til the Doctor releasees me for work. Now I wonder if maybe losing the coffee isn't such a bad idea

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