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A True American Hero


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WHile I have sympathy for the guy, I don't believe this fits with the apolitical nature of the forums.


We can talk about the death of Ted Kennedy, but you think posting about this American hero is too political?

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We can talk about the death of Ted Kennedy, but you think posting about this American hero is too political?


I'm all for leaving politics and ideology out of threads when they become divisive,

but this story doesn't seem to risk that; to me it was just a remarkable and heartening story of an incredible recovery.


His level of functionality after all this is nothing short of amazing!


We can only hope for more outcomes like this.


Great story.

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A Video of this nature got locked earlier. Along with the Ted Kennedy thread as well.

It was neither the Dexter Black video nor the subject of Ted Kennedy which caused those thread to be locked. It was the inability of people to express their approval, or disapproval, without being civil and without turning the commentary into politics. We can, and do, have healthy discussions about things that are political. We don't discuss politics nor do we tolerate naming, branding, blaming any specific party or administration. It's a fine line. Many members have learned to walk it and they contribute greatly. Some, and this includes some long-timers, have not.

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der Wanderer

Actually I have been bothered by a lot of threads that are political. I make no difference between them. This one is another case in point - war and its consequences are fundamentally political topics. Also, this forum is US hosted but not limited to the US and there is a risk those threads could be seen as insensitive. I have not commented on this in the past, but I don't see how any of those fit with the rules of the forum.

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Actually I have been bothered by a lot of threads that are political. I make no difference between them. This one is another case in point - war and its consequences are fundamentally political topics. Also, this forum is US hosted but not limited to the US and there is a risk those threads could be seen as insensitive. I have not commented on this in the past, but I don't see how any of those fit with the rules of the forum.


Your best bet is to initiate and then conduct a discussion with the owner/mods privately. It's not all that appropriate in someone else's thread, especially after a moderator has weighed in.

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there is a risk those threads could be seen as insensitive.


I guess I do not see how this could be insensitive. A seriously injured individual, who happens to be a soldier risking his life for our country, makes a remarkable recovery. Kinda uplifting if you ask me.

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there is a risk those threads could be seen as insensitive.


I guess I do not see how this could be insensitive. A seriously injured individual, who happens to be a soldier risking his life for our country, makes a remarkable recovery. Kinda uplifting if you ask me.





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This is an awesome tale of one's will to overcome and progress...


The fact that he was in a comma for a year and came out of it is a miracle... but that he put forth the effort to learn to walk and RUN on the prosthetic limbs provided shows a ton of hard work...


This young gentleman is a hero on many fronts, not because he was a soldier, but because he worked to overcome the disabilities handed to him... He did not give up because life added a challenge that he was not born with...


I can only hope that I have half his strength and determination should I ever encounter difficulties in the future...


Regards -


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It's not Political it's Patriotic.


Semper Fi!!!!


Do you know what that means? Always Faithful.


And, as a former US Marine, I stand beside my comrade as a patriot, a freedom fighter, and one who didn't talk of what to do for his country but one who did it, without concern of the personal cost.


Thank You for that post Wurty. It brought a tear!

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As always, Fernando summed it up best.


I don't see how a kid can go to serve his country (if you live in the US, that means you), get injured so badly that everyone doubts he'll wake up again (oh, and by the way, loses both legs), and then makes a miraculous recovery, and then that has to be political.


Yes, I could make it political right here, right now, in the next sentence if I so chose. But I choose not to.


Any one of us could probably make basically any thread in RDOT political if we so chose.


Back on topic: I'm personally grateful for all of our nation's men and women in uniform. To me, stories like these are sad and uplifting at the same time. The kid's come a long way and has definitely defied all odds by getting to where he is now... and he's not finished yet.

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Not sure who Der Wanderer is but I am sure he wanders in the opposite direction of me.

It's not Political it's Patriotic.


To DW.


Having just spent the weekend at ft. rucker with a bunch of other vets and active duty guys...let me be the first to say I'm real sorry to know that you are so sensitive. :rofl:


Perhaps you should...............................


Semper Paratus.

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...His level of functionality after all this is nothing short of amazing!


We can only hope for more outcomes like this.

Unfortunately, there are thousands of others with outcomes less inspirational. The ongoing lives of the wounded and maimed, physically and mentally, are all too rarely given enough weight when leaders send their fighting forces into war.

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Wurty...............CURRAHEE !!!!!! .........Stand Alone.....Your message and meaning for this post is not lost on me......


nor should it be on any American....


I have posted a few pictures of my nephew (Pics of an Afgan Marine)on this forum. He has been on three tours in Iraq and now one in Afgan. I do not post these pics. for ANY political reasons....I post these pictures because I am proud of him and GOD forbid if anything happens to him... these maybe the last pictures of him doing a job...that no one else will do... which allows US to keep posting and reading these messages in freedom and safety...


He is just not a troop....He is to us..... NICK


God bless our TROOPS...........Take care over there...NICK love ya.


From: a loving Uncle, Loving Family, His Loving Wife, and his Loving 4 year old son...............



And for those who think this kid is in the Marines because he could not do anything else...Nick lost his mother at 8 years old to cancer while she was serving in the Air Force....being a Marine was his way of honoring his mother and the Love that she and he has for this country....(Sorry maybe that last statement maybe a little political).

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Unfortunately, there are thousands of others with outcomes less inspirational. The ongoing lives of the wounded and maimed, physically and mentally, are all too rarely given enough weight when leaders send their fighting forces into war.


I agree.


And from my (limited) clinical experience, with reference to his return to health, I've worked as a counselor/case manager in a facility with a residential unit for head trauma patients, and as a neuropsychomatrist, and I never saw a recovery that even remotely resembled this one. Recoveries, if they came at all, were agonizingly/glacially slow, and very limited.


He is clearly the lucky exception, but we can be hopeful for more.



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Nice n Easy Rider

Also thought that was an uplifting story. :thumbsup:


(Minor Hijack).

Took my bike to the dealer on Sat. for a fuel gauge sensor replacement (second). Got there a few minutes before opening. A young fellow was waiting for service on his 650GS. Started chatting with him and found out he is retired from Special Ops after 14 years because of injuries from a suicide bomber. Spent a year in the hospital and had 35 surgeries. Doesn't have use of all the fingers on his left hand and , he told me, has trouble skiing because loss of feeling in right foot/leg.

He didn't complain at all of his injuries or the fact he had to retire early. Only said how grateful he was to be able to get out and ride. I'd love to believe I could be so upbeat after all that. My hat (helmet) off to all these young men. (End of Hijack)

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Not sure who Der Wanderer is but I am sure he wanders in the opposite direction of me.

It's not Political it's Patriotic.

I'm as far to the left as some of these jokers are to the right and I think patriotism is obscene outside of sports, but I still think this is an appropriate post to honour a man who went out and put his life on the line for his fellow men. Even if you don't believe in the politics behind the actions, the individual soldier's involvement is, and must be, apolitical.
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Even if you don't believe in the politics behind the actions, the individual soldier's involvement is, and must be, apolitical.



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there is a risk those threads could be seen as insensitive.


I guess I do not see how this could be insensitive. A seriously injured individual, who happens to be a soldier risking his life for our country, makes a remarkable recovery. Kinda uplifting if you ask me.




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I'm as far to the left as some of these jokers are to the right and I think patriotism is obscene outside of sports, but I still think this is an appropriate post to honour a man who went out and put his life on the line for his fellow men. Even if you don't believe in the politics behind the actions, the individual soldier's involvement is, and must be, apolitical.


I'm with you, Bob.

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As a life member of the 101 Abn, as well as human, I found this profoundly moving. Sad that some want, or need to add, that, which is not there.

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