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Bar risers and cable lengths on R1100RT


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I just acquired some Moto-techniques bar risers for a 2001 R1100RT, and I am having cable length problems. With the risers on, the cables from the handlebars don't have enough slack and I can't turn completely to either side.


I searched this site a bit, and it seem that this isn't supposed to be an issue, but sometimes it is. I didn't find any good solutions.


It looks like I can clip off a couple of cable ties to get some more slack, but I think I would have to clip all but the very last one (farthest from the handlebars). This doesn't seem like a good idea to me.


Is it safe to clip off the cable ties to get more slack? Is this a common problem and does it have a better solution?



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A couple of clarifications. I guess I should have said "wiring", rather than cables, since it is the electrical wiring (from the turn signals, horn, etc.) that is too short when turning the bars to the left. The clutch cable is fine. Also, I only installed the left riser so far, so perhaps there won't be an issue with turning the bars to the right - I just assumed there would be. I didn't bother to go any farther once I noticed there was an issue.


Should I have posted this on the "Bike Related Things" forum instead of here?

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