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You could also run back and forth to the nearest autoparts store for clear fuel line that fits make a loop with ATF fluid. Will not work on the Tiger however, too many throttle bodies. :-)

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You could also run back and forth to the nearest autoparts store for clear fuel line that fits make a loop with ATF fluid. Will not work on the Tiger however, too many throttle bodies. :-)


Can't you balance cylinders 1 and 2, and then balance 2 and 3 together, adjusting only #3?

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Bill, probably not.. I can’t say for sure on that particular bike but on most 3 & 4 cylinder bikes the vacuum pulses are not directly opposed to each other so using any type of pressure delta gauge or manometer is useless..


On those non opposed setups you almost always have to balance against atmosphere not the pressure difference..





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Get a Morgan Carbtune......I HAVE ONE.....and a bloody clicker torque wrench and .15 and .30 dual feeler gauges...in fact everything you need!!!!!


You pissed off at me coz I'm a Limey or what!!!

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Get a Morgan Carbtune......I HAVE ONE.....and a bloody clicker torque wrench and .15 and .30 dual feeler gauges...in fact everything you need!!!!!


You pissed off at me coz I'm a Limey or what!!!


I don't get pissed at anyone. I did my 12K at Brother Lime's Tech Days. Then I just did my 18K here at the house.


I really appreciate your offers to help. Ya never know, I may need help with my FD next week.





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