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minor tipover leads to ABS problem


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For 113,000 miles my 2000 RT had never been on it's side. Unfortunately that ended last week. A sudden gust of wind put me into a shallow ditch. I almost got it under control. "Almost" means that I did a very low speed drop onto the left side. The bike got only minor scratches and didn't break anything. It did lay on it's side for about 20 minutes.


Once upright everything seemed OK except that the ABS failed to re-set. The lights flashed alternately. One of my riding buddies said that he hadn't noticed any brake light all day. Sure enough the bulb was bad. I replaced the bulb today and the brake light now works but the ABS still won't re-set. Only now the lights stay on rather than flashing.


I have inspected everything that could have possibly contacted during the fall. The front sensor shows no sign of damage, the wire looks fine, and the gap to the ring is correct.


Any ideas before I call the local (150 miles away) dealer? Thanks for any advice.





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Joe Frickin' Friday

Click here, go to page 71-72 to find out how to read ABS fault codes. The numbered instructions on page 71 give you the general idea of how to read the fault codes using the diagnostic connector under your seat; page 72 gives you the specifics on interpreting the error codes you'll obtain from the ABS unit using that same connector.


Once you've read the code, use the procedure there to clear the code. Then cycle the key off/on. If you're lucky the fault will not come back, but if it does, you'll know you've got an actual problem in need of attention.

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Sorry if this is too basic, but my first thought was fluid level in the ABS unit.

But following Mitch's advice is a sure thing. Good luck!

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Hey Mitch

This reference to pages, in what? I've been looking for a reference manual for my 06 R1200RT.

You can help?


Thanks TomSSRT

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Joe Frickin' Friday
Hey Mitch

This reference to pages, in what? I've been looking for a reference manual for my 06 R1200RT.

You can help?


Thanks TomSSRT




The word "here" in my previous post was a link:




The page numbers I mentioned are in that document.


Note that virtually nothing in there will apply to the hexheads; AFAIK, there is not (yet) a similar document for the hexheads.

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  • 1 month later...

Mitch, You are the Man!!!!!


I finally garnished the courage to check the fault codes. It was so easy, following the pages you referenced. I got 7 dips on the meter, meaning the ABS unit had a problem. I cleared the code and have been trouble free ever since. I guess the blown brake bulb registered the fault.


I had an ABS fault code cleared on a K1200LT a few years back. That time it required a trip to the dealership and $35.00. Clearing the RT took all of 5 minutes and no cash.


Thanks again, SCOTTIE

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