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We sure do have our stereotypes for certain professions. Donuts and cops is probably one of the least harmful. Think lawyers, investment bankers, polititions, priests, etc.



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Joe Frickin' Friday

Gabriel Iglesias (standup comic) has a story about speeding whilst possessing a box of fresh donuts in his car. Cop stops him, walks up to the car:


cop: Sir, do you know why I stopped you?


Iglesias (holding up box of donuts): because you smelled these?



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Think lawyers, investment bankers, polititions, priests, etc.


It wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't been raised by a pack of dogs who ran after vehicles with sirens. Now, it just makes me look crass.

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Gabriel Iglesias (standup comic) has a story about speeding whilst possessing a box of fresh donuts in his car. Cop stops him, walks up to the car:


cop: Sir, do you know why I stopped you?


Iglesias (holding up box of donuts): because you smelled these?




Still can't get the link to work, but this reminds of a joke by Drew Carey - where he is getting more money than he knows what to do with. So, he runs stop signs when its raining.


cop: Sir, do you know why I stopped you?


Carey: Because its raining :rofl:

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