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It's been spread all over the roads in Western Pennsylvania. Of course it looks like tar and chips but they must be dipping into the strategic gravel reserve to do this many roads. On my 12 mile commute home yesterday I covered approximately 458 miles of gravel road. (*&)^)(*)(*&^(_(*&(^*^_* :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Nice n Easy Rider
It's been spread all over the roads in Western Pennsylvania. Of course it looks like tar and chips but they must be dipping into the strategic gravel reserve to do this many roads. On my 12 mile commute home yesterday I covered approximately 458 miles of gravel road. (*&)^)(*)(*&^(_(*&(^*^_* :mad: :mad: :mad:



What makes it stimulus spending though is the number of guys they've hired to lay that gravel piece by piece. :grin:

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Don't you just hate that stuff?


The guy who invented chip and seal should be...



Ken and I agree on somethin else.... :wave:


Chip and seal is great once the gravel is mashed into the tar and the loose stuff gets cleaned off. Of course...that brief period after they've done it is pretty sucky.

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I hate when it is done late in the year and it gets cold before the chips set in, then they all come off and you have a slick road surface with lots of gravel in the corners and shoulders.

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Yeeha! Stephen
BTW, who's betting on how many post it will take this thread to turn into on on the stimulus plans!?!






Ya' know, I made a lot of money spreading oil on the roads in N Texas. I don't know if it was "Big Oil" or not, but the oil I spread was the good ole' fashioned "Proud to be an American" oil, and it stuck chips to the road like glue. And my workers could "Document" it too.


Nowdays I don't what kind of oil they use on the roads, and don't really care, cause I made me-me-me money.


Now I can sit on my "Veranda" drinkin' lots of beer, and end up "Trickling Down" as I relieve... er, "Stimulus" the grass in my back yard.


My man "Teddy" would be proud...












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Don't you just hate that stuff?


The guy who invented chip and seal should be...

Given how much of it seems to be used up there, I wonder if he was Canadian. :eek:

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BTW, who's betting on how many post it will take this thread to turn into on on the stimulus plans!?!






Ya' know, I made a lot of money spreading oil on the roads in N Texas. I don't know if it was "Big Oil" or not, but the oil I spread was the good ole' fashioned "Proud to be an American" oil, and it stuck chips to the road like glue. And my workers could "Document" it too.


Nowdays I don't what kind of oil they use on the roads, and don't really care, cause I made me-me-me money.


Now I can sit on my "Veranda" drinkin' lots of beer, and end up "Trickling Down" as I relieve... er, "Stimulus" the grass in my back yard.


My man "Teddy" would be proud...


Stephen, it's not nice to bait Canadians. And please don't mention "rights." He's tired of "rights, rights, rights."

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Stephen, it's not nice to bait Canadians. And please don't mention "rights." He's tired of "rights, rights, rights."


So, my question is this... do they have wealth envy in French and English? Or is that only in Quebec?

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Yeeha! Stephen
BTW, who's betting on how many post it will take this thread to turn into on on the stimulus plans!?!






Ya' know, I made a lot of money spreading oil on the roads in N Texas. I don't know if it was "Big Oil" or not, but the oil I spread was the good ole' fashioned "Proud to be an American" oil, and it stuck chips to the road like glue. And my workers could "Document" it too.


Nowdays I don't what kind of oil they use on the roads, and don't really care, cause I made me-me-me money.


Now I can sit on my "Veranda" drinkin' lots of beer, and end up "Trickling Down" as I relieve... er, "Stimulus" the grass in my back yard.


My man "Teddy" would be proud...


Stephen, it's not nice to bait Canadians. And please don't mention "rights."



You mean Leaning Right? As in correct? Or the God given kind? ( I really know... I'm just yanking chains - tee hee!)


He's tired of "rights, tights, rights."


And "ya'll" do realize that 3 Rights equal a Left.... even in Canadia!

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Given how much of it seems to be used up there, I wonder if he was Canadian. :eek:

Doesn't make me any fonder of him though!


ISFA the other comments, see my post about wondering how long it will take this thread to stray political?

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It hasn't strayed political, Ken. It was a joke based on a politics to begin with, and it still is. Yeah, there's been a little playful baiting, which began with your second post fer cryin out loud.


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It hasn't strayed political, Ken. It was a joke based on a politics to begin with, and it still is. Yeah, there's been a little playful baiting, which began with your second post fer cryin out loud.


Canadians are always dreaming up a lotta ways to ruin our lives. The metric system, for the love of God! Celsius! Neil Young!


A quote from a Michael Moore movie I do like...


"All I said was their beer sucks....."


And in case anyone missed the reference above...


[Highway patrolman tells Boomer why his graffiti must be in both English and French]

Highway Patrolman: Le Quebecois.

Boomer: Huh?

Highway Patrolman: You know. Wine drinkers. Pea soup eaters. French Canadians!



Candy Striper at Canadan Hospital: Oh we're not doctors. We're candy stripers! Our universal health care system has determined that you don't actually need a doctor until...

Candy Striper at Canadan Hospital: ...2006!

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Albert - There's that old state rumor that someone in Harrisburg makes out and has the only contract for the chips and oil. Ever hear that one? :P

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Albert - There's that old state rumor that someone in Harrisburg makes out and has the only contract for the chips and oil. Ever hear that one? :P


My guess is he has a seat on the turnpike commission and the liquor control board too. :dopeslap:

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Chip and seal is great once the gravel is mashed into the tar and the loose stuff gets cleaned off. Of course...that brief period after they've done it is pretty sucky.
Wait till you see Sweeper Madness after its C&S ordeal early in the summer - there is going to be some serious hooning this fall, it's fantastic!
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Chip and seal is great once the gravel is mashed into the tar and the loose stuff gets cleaned off. Of course...that brief period after they've done it is pretty sucky.
Wait till you see Sweeper Madness after its C&S ordeal early in the summer - there is going to be some serious hooning this fall, it's fantastic!


I remember what 12 was like after the last C&S treatment. :grin:

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Chip and seal is great once the gravel is mashed into the tar and the loose stuff gets cleaned off. Of course...that brief period after they've done it is pretty sucky.
Wait till you see Sweeper Madness after its C&S ordeal early in the summer - there is going to be some serious hooning this fall, it's fantastic!


I remember what 12 was like after the last C&S treatment. :grin:


They must do it differently out there. One of my favorite roads around here was done about 3 years ago and it's never recovered. I have to ride it every day to work and I know it will never be right again until they're forced to repave the thing. The result here is ususally an extremely rough surface with lots of irregularities (like they drag junk behind them when they spread the stuff). When it finally packs in there's usually multiple grooves wandering across everything. I was on a road just the other day that was only just done. They tarred and chipped over a bunch of pot holes which made them next to impossible to see now.

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Chip and seal is great once the gravel is mashed into the tar and the loose stuff gets cleaned off. Of course...that brief period after they've done it is pretty sucky.
Wait till you see Sweeper Madness after its C&S ordeal early in the summer - there is going to be some serious hooning this fall, it's fantastic!


We rode down into Torrey from the North on my Colorado trip this summer, and UT-72 was an absolute mess, with gravel everywhere. It was almost impossible to maintain the posted limit in many corners. But I knew that was the price to pay for the process it was undergoing as part of being chip sealed.


Remember a couple Torreys ago when everyone was bemoaning the fact that they'd tar-snaked 72? My experience in 9 years of going to Torrey is that tar-snaking is the first phase of an eventual repave. One year they seal the cracks. Next year they gravel it in order to beat up and clean the surface, then they chip seal it. Yeehaw! They did it to UT-12 some years ago. Dang thing was absolutely treacherous, even in a straight line, when they tar-snaked it. But next year it was like Velcro.


My only regret is that Glen won't get to ride a freshly paved Sweeper Madness. But he'll be at the top of Mt. Gleno urging us on as we fly past. And if you listen carefully at night around the Chuckwagon, he'll be there lovingly poking fun at those of us who wussed.

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BTW, who's betting on how many post it will take this thread to turn into on on the stimulus plans!?!






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For some reason, this thread reminded me that it was a $320 million lottery draw tonight. Dammit! I meant to buy a ticket. My once every year or so foray into gambling.

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Damned, Sam, you are spendy.


Gotta save up for my taxes. You know how it is...gotta keep those stimulus dollars flowin' :grin:


I'm having so much fun with that same thought. I now live in the land of, well, how do I say this without being political, uh, er, well, it's Washington. Kind of like a mild(er) San Francisco del Norte. And the quantity of people and organizations with their hands out for one cause or another is astounding. I do give to charity regularly (one board member's fundraising ride for the American Cancer Society being the latest), but I just can't get around people asking for donations for ecumenical situations I don't believe exist. So my usual response is, "Sorry, I'm saving up for all these new taxes that are headed our way." And the reactions I get are is if they either don't know what's headed in their direction or they truly believe that someone else is going to pay it for them.


Living amid the panic of the entitled reactionaries of this world is eye opening.

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Chip and seal is great once the gravel is mashed into the tar and the loose stuff gets cleaned off. Of course...that brief period after they've done it is pretty sucky.
Wait till you see Sweeper Madness after its C&S ordeal early in the summer - there is going to be some serious hooning this fall, it's fantastic!


You mean no more tar snakes on sweeper madness?

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Killer will have to give you the details, but that's how I read it. When I came down 72 in July, it was really sucky, with gravel deep enough to leave a tire groove in. But that was just the prep. I talked to Bob and he didn't know when they were supposed to chip seal it, but apparently it's been done. If I'm reading him right, Cheng Shins would work. Woohoo!

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Damned, Sam, you are spendy.


Gotta save up for my taxes. You know how it is...gotta keep those stimulus dollars flowin' :grin:


I hear ya, brother. I hear ya. :grin:

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For some reason, this thread reminded me that it was a $320 million lottery draw tonight. Dammit! I meant to buy a ticket. My once every year or so foray into gambling.


What... you mean you have to buy a ticket to win ???


Geez... so that is what I have been doing wrong... )))


Regards -


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For some reason, this thread reminded me that it was a $320 million lottery draw tonight. Dammit! I meant to buy a ticket. My once every year or so foray into gambling.


What... you mean you have to buy a ticket to win ???


Geez... so that is what I have been doing wrong... )))

You've gotta buy a ticket to win, but it also has to be purchased BEFORE the drawing. :)
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You've gotta buy a ticket to win, but it also has to be purchased BEFORE the drawing. :)


Ummm... you sure about that ??? If a person has a ticket, but has not claimed it yet, couldn't they sell it to another individual ???


Course... who would have that kind of money laying around and I am betting the government would STILL tax you instantly rather than wait until the end of the quarter... :eek:


I also suspect the ticket would either be fake or the one selling it crazy... :dopeslap:


Oh well... means I saved a little more money... )))


Regards -


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