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Thoughts and Prayers for Miss Vicki and Family

Yeeha! Stephen

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Yeeha! Stephen

A few of you know Vicki, so I ask for your thoughts and prayers.


Miss Vicki's youngest daughter, Kristin, lost her husband, Ryan, late Wednesday to Brain Cancer.

Thinking an earlier spot of cancer was in remission, Ryan and Kristin were married this spring. Sadly, a spot on Ryan's brain came back and he couldn't shake it this time.


Especially tragic for the family, Ryan was in the final sememster of his Senior year in college. A little late to graduate at 27, Ryan was working his way through school trying to avoid the burden of student loans later down the road.


Please remember, protest and they may, hug and squeeze those loved ones often, for you never know when they may be lost.


Thank you,



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Stephen, your Miss Vicki is one of kindest and most delightful people I've ever met. I can only imagine her son was equally a good and caring person.


My condolences to her and her family. They will be in my prayers.

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aDD mY condolences also to Kristin, Miss Vicki, friends and family too.


I will remember them all in my daily Holy+Mass.

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Nice n Easy Rider

Condolences and prayers to all the family members. Death is almost always tragic but for someone so young with so much life ahead of him and his spouse it is even more so.

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Stephen, I'm very sorry to hear that. Silvia and I offer our condolences to Miss Vicki, Kristin and the rest of the families.

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Please send my deepest caring and love to Miss Vickie, Kristin and her family. It's so very sad. I'm sorry that this young man is lost to us all.

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Please know Miss Vicki & her family are in our thoughts & prayers.


With our deepest sympathy,


Joyce & Mike McKennedy

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My condolences Stephen..so young.


I just wanna know where is all the cancer crap coming from.... :S!

So many folks we know have it in their lives, ourselves included.

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My friend, everyone in our home send's our thoughts and warmest hugs to Ms. Vicki, yourself and your entire family.....


be well my friend...



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Yeeha! Stephen

Thank you for thinking of Miss Vicki and Family at this time.

We sent your thoughs on to the entire Family.


Bless You,


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