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Anyone have hands on experience with the Butt Buffer?


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I'm referring to the polymer version that is installed under your seat vinyl, NOT the pad that straps on top of it.


I'm reluctant to invest in the Russell because a) it's a little expensive and b)I don't care for the aesthetics. I think the "winged" shape of the Russell seat makes a sport tourer look, well, not as clean.


Not saying I won't ultimately wind up with the Russell but, if I get enough positive feedback on the Butt Buffer insert, I may be tempted to try it first.

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I had one installed prior to leaving on my 4300 mile trip to the Unrally just a couple of weeks ago. The concept is good, but mine was not properly installed. I am having it fixed this Saturday, 8/29/09, so the jury is still out. I will report on the outcome.

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I have no experience with the Butt Buffer, but do have a Russell. The Russell is, by far, the best accessory I've ever purchased. Remember, you don't look at the seat when you are riding - or shouldn't be anyway. I don't find the wings visually "offensive" in any way. Your posterior will forever grateful with a Russell. (No affiliation, of course - just a happy customer.)

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A buffer pad under the vinyl will do little to change the shape of the seat. If you are going to ride long distance you should get a seat that fits your butt. You might consider a seat from Rick Mayer as he has a special technique where he makes sure there is LESS presure where you need to have presure relieved. If you tune in to "Side Stand UP" (Featured link on LDComfort.com ) You will be able to hear Rick Mayer talk about seating comfort. Rick will be the guest speaker on September 1st. Right after Bob Higdon gives an update on the Iron Butt Rally. I think listening to the show will change what you might expect from a buffer pad.

I want you to enjoy every mile. :)

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Just a follow on the the Rick Mayer comment by wink. Buy a Rick Mayer seat. My RickM seats have carried us approx 20K. Two long rides: 1) 7500 miles 30 days 2) 4000 miles 10 days. We tried the stock seats on a max distance of 460 miles in our first 7500 miles. Painful. Then RickM. A good seat lets you develop other strategies for going long. I'm 66, so I have to contend with other connecting tissue challanges. The bike is an 06 RT. Longest day ride Shepherdstown to Terra Haute, 613 miles. I was flat tired, but not butt sore.


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I have 2 sets of saddles that I use. My Sargent has a Butt Buffer installed but it made very little difference in comfort.


I prefer the Russell saddles but but my wife is more comfortable on the Sargent pillion and has a better field of view when I'm on the lower Sargent seat.


I mostly ride the Sargents and will probably sell the Russells


Both are comfortable and I've ridden both for 700+ mile days. The principle difference in comfort for me is better air flow with the Russell. The Butt Buffer didn't do much for me and MAY even be part the reason that I have 'monkey butt' issues with the Sargent. I understand that heat build up is one of the issues with polymer gels.

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  • 2 months later...

OK. I've put about 1000 miles on the butt buffer insert, about 300 miles x three trips. While it felt somewhat better than the stock seat, it just didn't do the job for me.


I bought the butt buffer pad for my wife and she didn't care for it so, I am going to sell it.


So, looks like it's time for the Russell. I was at the Corbin shop in Daytona, FL last week and while I know some people swear by that seat, I just found the seat to be very hard. Just can't see it getting "softer".


Corbin tells you it takes 2000 miles to get it to "form" and feel good but by that time, you are well beyond any return policy.



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